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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. Hmm, OK, I'll look into it, but the issue I have at the moment is the noise generated by the PSU fans, I'm running twin 120mm case fans, plus the Zalman CPU cooler, and the GPU fan and together they're quieter than the PSU! Might have to look at changing that first.

  2. :) Thank you for the info Brando. I am looking into changing over to liquid cooling now. I received my cleaner and paste today, and after school tonight I replaced the CPU cooler with my Zalman cooler and the max temps I got with the black death with explorer running in the background,track IR and Saitek profile was 43c.

  3. I've never investigated water-cooling myself - knowing how ham-fisted I am, I dread the idea of flooding the insides of my rig with coolant. On the other hand, I don't much like the stock coolers either. At present (and for the last 5 years or so) I've been using Zalman CPU coolers which run seriously quiet, and do a damn good job at the same time. My Core 2 Duo runs at sub 40 deg under the maximum load I can generate. My next purchase for the innards will be a Zalman GPU cooler (too much of a wuss to try water cooling).

    ~S~ Jabo

    P.S. Oh good, the insomnnia's kicking in again.

  4. Oh, just a couple of other things - even if you can't afford to donate (not an unusual situation), you can still make a difference by either joining the VTST club, or signing the online petition, details of which are available at the website (see first post)

    ~S~ Jabo

  5. WE'VE DONE IT!! Nearly...

    Below is an excerpt from the website


    Vulcan now truly "The People's Aircraft"

    Thousands of pledges provide a future for the Vulcan

    One month ago, the Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST) had to announce that the prospects of seeing Vulcan XH558, the world's only flying Vulcan, ever flying again were looking very poor as the result of the lack of cash, and that notices had had to be given to its employees that their jobs would end on Friday 6th March

    With the launch of a Pledge Campaign to raise £1million, VTST based its future on the public's affection for the Vulcan and their desire to see it fly.

    As the deadline of the end of today approaches, the Pledge Campaign has this morning (11.00am) passed £956,835, pledged by over 9,821 supporters, and so has excellent prospects of passing its goal of £1million imminently.

    This is the third time in seven years that the future of the Vulcan in flight has been saved by the support of thousands of members of the public, making XH558 "The People's Aircraft". Never has one historic aircraft owed so much to so many!

    Sponsors provide breathing space

    On their own, pledges can't solve the Trust's immediate cash problem, because they each need now to be converted into cash donations. The Trust is therefore very grateful to its sponsors, Aerobytes Ltd and Judd Power, who have today committed sufficient cash to keep the Trust going for another month, allowing time for the pledges to be redeemed.

    As the result, VTST is delighted to announce that it is able to continue its activities on a more secure financial footing, and that the prospects of seeing the Vulcan fly in 2009 are now good.

    Supporters led the way forward

    For the past month, supporters of the Vulcan have been tireless in their fundraising activities, ranging from the cross-country Vulcan Scramble, to "Pledgathon" events across the UK. VTST is enormously grateful to all the members of the Vulcan to the Sky Club for their help.

    Inspiring the Young

    There are well over 10 million young people who have never seen the Vulcan in flight. Following the success of the Pledge Campaign, these youngsters now have an opportunity to experience this inspirational "once seen, never forgotten" sight.

    Because we cannot assume that all the pledges will be honoured, we are asking the the public to continue to pledge financial support, either through our website www.vulcantothesky.orghttp:// or by phone to our office on 0116 247 8145. We have demonstrated that even the smallest pledge helps, because it is people in their thousands who make the difference.

    Robert Pleming

    6th March 2009


    And on a personal note - Thank you.

    ~S~ Jabo

  6. I'm with Jim on this Jedi, the Asus looks to be the better machine. I personally quite like Dell machines, and they build some very nice desktops, but I'm not sure about the laptops - We sell 'em, but I'd rather have an HP or Sony if I didn't want a gaming machine.

    ~S~ Jabo

  7. Hi guys. Normally I'm not in favour of this sort of thing, but as some of you may know, I'm personally involved.

    The project to return Avro Vulcan XH558 to airworthy condition which succeeded in such magnificent form last year is in serious financial trouble due in part to the credit crunch amongst other things. The long and the short of this is that unless significant additional funding is found either through a major backer, or public generosity or both within weeks (days?) XH558 will be grounded - for good.

    If you would lke to help (and I stress the if), please visit the website here. The pledge details are on the main page.

    Thank you for your time.

    ~S~ Jabo



  8. :soapbox:

    Hello all

    Just as I got back on-line and had everything working again, my mobo s**t the bed. It seems that I got a spike Thu the cable line. For the good news I was able to order a new one and a new quad core processor too. I even paid for second day air so I would have it for this weekend. To bad it is stuck in Orlandos UPS depot because they don't deliever on the weekend :madpc:

  9. if it is a windows than u have to use a floppy that should be supplied with motherboard or upgrade your windows xp installation disk to sp3. both methods one are not to simple. vista should recognize it from start.

    Indeed. Although these days, the mainboards tend to arrive with a floppy disk image for the SATA drivers on the driver CD so you can create your own - joy.

    What OS are you planning to use m8, and what Service Pack revision is it?

    ~S~ Jabo

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