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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. The DxDiag Report looks fine to me, though I must state I'm no too familiar with the Vista ones...

    (Your Conf.ini I could not retrieve from the vault, it seems to be missing.)

    However, the way the drop happens, sounds to me like some other (not IL2 related) process has started running in the background.

    Maybe some Vista timed one. Or a Virusscanner update. Or defrag. Or Vista maintenance stuff...

    So, next time this drop occurs, alt-tab out of IL2, start the task manager, and check if there's a process eating CPU cycles...

    Thanks FT. I can rule out anti-virus activity, and there doesn't seem to be anything else grabbing resources, but I'll have to check again I guess.

    ~S~ Jabo

  2. Hi guys, hopefully someone out there can assist me. I had some serious issues this evening with single figure frame rates both online and offline during frantic efforts to 'fix' (ha ha) the problem. Some of the guys online suggested posting a dxdiag and my conf.ini, for you techie bods to have a squint at, so here they are. Fingers crossed the problem will be diagnosed at least.

    Thanks in advance

    ~S~ Jabo

    Not sure how to attach files here, so popped them in the vault for now.


  3. Can I use the version of XP Home that came with my HP Laptop to get the new desktop up & running?

    If not, what is my best option?

    Unlikely, m8, that copy of XP will have a licence key attached to the laptop, and will probably have been modified to refuse to install on non-HP hardware. You could pick up a copy of XP Pro without spending too much, although you need to bear in mind that only the 64 bit version will be able to use all of that 6Gb of RAM you're proposing.

    ~S~ Jabo

  4. Thanks for the suggestions chaps.

    OK, all working again now, it appears that the power switch connection was already faulty as five minutes with a soldering iron this evening and hey presto!

    And now for the apology part - I, Jabo, wish to apologise to all the DDz who were online last night and witnessed my outburst. All I can offer in my defence is that I was under significant duress so if I offended anybody, I'm sorry.

    ~S~ Jabo

  5. Here's the thing. Yesterday (Wednesday) the PC was working great, no problems, everything ticketyboo. Today, nothing, zip, nada...well, you get the picture. Blasted machine won't even POST. I've checked the power to the PSU, PSU connections to mainboard, removed/reseated the memory and the graphics card. Removed every non-essential component, still nothing. HEEEEELP!

    Not possible to fly tonight as a result - seriously not happy.

    ~S~ Miffed of Yorkshire#

    PS. Now, as result of having the case in bits, the front of the case has fallen over and yanked both wires from the power switch AAAARRGGGHHHH. Question, if I short the two wires from the power switch, does that fool the system into thinking that the switch has been operated?

    PPS. Stuff it. I'm going to bed. Any suggestions for tomorrow gratefully received.

  6. Not entirely sure that's going to work for you m8, surely the LEDs have to be attached to either your headset or cap to register the movement of your head?

    I've used a vx1000 with a couple of small squares of floppy disk placed in front of the CCD (had to remove the IR filter too). Then built a 'track clip' with 3 IR LEDs which is attached to my headset. The camera only 'sees' the LEDs (because of the floppy disk material), and the movement of the LEDs relative to each other is translated by the FreeTrack software into view slewing in the game.

    Oh, and I've powered this via a spare USB port (had to place a small resistor in series with the LEDs to ensure the voltage was dropped down a little, but otherwise no problems).

    ~S~ Jabo

  7. i know you have said you fixed it...but heres the way to do it for other people, explore your cd, and run the setup named "a", simple as that :)

    Yep, found that after googling another forum. Although I have installed the game in Program Files, that is where I'm keeping the vanilla install. I then copied the game folder to c:\ and updated that copy with the mods.

    Oh, I've turned off the UAC too.

    ~S~ Jabo

  8. Yeah, I'm hearing good things about Windows 7, in fairness, I only went for Vista because I managed to buy a copy of Home Premium upg (produced before MS changed the package so you couldn't do a clean install

  9. I bought a Belkin 'n532te' and got a bit pee'd off when I couldn't use it along with my Saitek X52 and pedals. It appears that the software it came with conflicts with the Saitek and disables the Saitek stuff....however, the profile I set up in the n52 was saved internally in the unit and after I deleted the Belkin software and plugged the n52 in to a USB all was well. I can use it along with the Saitek stuff so long as I don't have the Belkin software/driver active

  10. Here's an interesting problem. Having just installed and updated Vista, I'd quite like to be able to install the game now, but the blasted thing won't autorun, and clicking setup.exe doesn't seem to help either. I've had this problem in XP before, but by clicking various things in the root folder of the disk always managed to get the thing to run. These tricks don't seem to work in Vista, so can someone suggest a solution? Hope so!!!

    ~S~ Jabo

    Never mind, got it sorted. Looks like I have a lot to learn about Vista.

  11. :madpc:

    LOL m8, but anyway, Vista seems to be working out OK at present. Getting an Experience Index of 5.2 and a PassMark of 806 so I'm pretty happy with that. Once I've got the game installed, I'll do a fps check on the Black Death track...

    ~S~ Jabo

    Oh, and Linksys have sorted the drivers for my WMP300N - no more trailing wires!

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