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Posts posted by Jabo

  1. LOL, ~S~ Zooly, glad you found your way here. Jedi, the gentleman in question was browsing the flight sim titles and asked me the price of a game (I forget which), at which point I directed him towards IL2 (as I always do). He then informed me that he used to play off and online but didn't anymore as he wasn't keen on the direction his group were taking. I mentioned the DDz (cos we have no direction whatsoever), and he came straight back with Blairgowrie's name. I gave him the web address and suggested he stop by for a look around.

    ~S~ Jabo

  2. At risk of fanning the flames further, that was a fantastic speech. I really cannot abide that smug git who's happily spending my taxes propping up the lifestyles of the greedy gosh, gosh, gosh (Bless me Friar)ers who caused this sorry mess in the first place. Ya listenin Fred?

    ~S~ Jabo

  3. Yep - feck Shuttleworth, let's go to Cosford. I suggest though that we have a separate DDz outing to one of Shuttleworth's evening air displays some point during the summer (or what passes for it in Blighty). Apparently it's nice to sit there in the late afternoon/early evening and watch the really old stuff get an airing (due to the breeze dropping later in the day usually). As always though - what do other people think?

  4. I guess it's something to do with your router not providing an IP address, try Start-Run 'cmd' (no quotes) to get a dos window, then ipconfig /all to check if you have an ip address assigned by the router. If not try ipconfig /renew to see if the router can provide one. Let us know how you get on.

    ~S~ Jabo

  5. That approach would work for me Jim, but most UK computer shops don't have their display machines connected to t'interweb - not sure about over on the contintent. You're in the UK at present Jedi?

    ~S~ Jabo.

    An alternative option would be to take a copy of a web page in html format, take it to the store on a memory stick and load it up in IE - that might be useful

  6. Not sure if this affects anyone here, but there is a possible bug in the above driver when run under Vista. My 9800GTX has been plagued by some very strange anomalies whilst using this driver. I have changed now to the v182 driver, and the problems seem to have gone. Just a word to the wise is all.

    ~S~ Jabo

  7. This maybe closing the door after the horse has bolted Jim, but I'd steer clear of Lenovo, we've had a ton of trouble with them as they have no DOA policy, and the support is nightmareish. A customer recently bought 30 laptops, half of which were DOA, and three months later only half of those have been repaired...Not good.

    In fact we have an unofficial department policy of trying not to sell them now, the above situation is not a one-off.

    ~S~ Jabo

  8. According to local history, the destruction of Roche Abbey was due to the Dissolution. Despite the Abbey passing into the hands of the Crown in 1558, the local population decided that they had first claim on the Abbey and its artefacts. Wkipedia in usual fashion states that this was done on the orders of one Oliver Cromwell, despite the fact that the Dissolution started in 1538 and he was born in 1599. Ho hum

    ~S~ Jabo

    PS - You should have dropped in for tea Jedi, you were only about 10 miles from where I live!

  9. You are quite right m8, xh558 was the Vulcan used as at the time she was the official RAF display aircraft. If you ever get the chance to visit her at home (Bruntingthorpe near Leicester) you will also see the big model that was also used in the film. One of the reasons the pledge target was met was the mobilization of the 007 fans around the world as well as the aviation enthusiasts.

    ~S~ Jabo

  10. Re: DT's post about Hollywood - THIS is why I'm so worried about the re-make of the Dambusters film. The original is a classic, and if the film-makers are prepared to change the name of Gibson's dog despite it having a siginificant role in the story...well I shudder to think what else they'll be prepared to change. B-17's anyone? Jon Bon Jovi will probably be flying the lead aircraft...

    ~S~ Jabo

    P.S. On the subject of Pearl Harbour - I quite liked the historical bits, but for some bizarre reason, film-makers (in general) seem to think that a story without a romantic twist isn't a story - oh, yeah, and Ben thingy is definitely a twit. His ex is nice though.

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