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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Might be worth asking here https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/forum/89-technical-issues-and-bug-reports/
  2. Crash

    Laptops ??

    I would ask on the Great Battles forum as they might be able to give advice based on experience.
  3. More stuff Hello everyone! In these sunny April days, we are working on the next big update, which we hope will be released in May. Previously we can say that this update will again be very voluminous in terms of the amount of content being released. A little bit later we will be able to say exactly what will be in this update, but we are aiming to launch a new noteworthy aircraft of the "Battle of Bodenplatte" project, two WWI airplanes in the "Flying Circus" project and two new tanks in the "Tank Crew" project. We also continue to work on evolution of the aviation part of the project and on deepening the gameplay of the tank part. A little later in the developer’s diaries we are planning to tell in detail about a new big "feature" of the multiplayer game - the "Battlefield Marshal" mode, the development of which is almost completed and will soon move to the testing and debugging phase. In the tank project, we are working on the functions of the tank commander, which will allow you to control both your crew and subordinate units. Also in the next update, we plan to significantly expand the model of damage to the systems and parts of the tank. Today we want to show you a couple of the first in-game cockpit shots of our new "Swallow" - the Me 262 A "Schwalbe" fighter-bomber. Honestly - it turned out to be an incredibly interesting aircraft: Today we also will dedicate a couple of screenshots to the almost completed crew of the M4A2 "Sherman" tank. Since the tank has an extremely wide range of possible positions for firing and driving by various crew members - this work was not easy, but the result is interesting too: And another screenshot shows a new particle-based effects technology inside the cockpits in the first-person view. In the first stage, we will introduce this system for tanks (the effect of a fire starting from spilled fuel, the effect of extinguishing this fire, smoke when the engine is damaged, powder gasses when firing from a cannon and a machine gun). In the medium term, we also plan to use this technology for airplanes: And many of your have inquired and commented about the Arras map for Flying Circus. It is underway by our partner Yugra Media. So far, everything regarding this map is on schedule, but work is still early and we don’t have any WIP shots for you to see yet. We are doing our best to help Yugra make a quality map for you.
  4. I thinks so. I was just slowly flying about and I noticed a small gauge that was rapidly going clockwise. Apparently I was climbing but it was hard to see as I was over the water and not familiar with the cockpit. Time to reference the Haynes Manual
  5. The cockpit looks a very busy place in VR and the altimeter looks rarther small, or am I looking at a back up?
  6. This looks good https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/45103-new-oculus-drivers/ and this news from DCS https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=237988
  7. Sounds like you might have a problem going back to flat sceen games
  8. The sim will feel a lot different Well worth looking at voiceattack
  9. Just seen this Then you must have set it up in a way that tops out the audio signal or something. I have it setup on it's own "device" which is mirrored to the VR headset. It doesnt pick up the voice chat then, and i can make sure that the input level is in the green. It rumbles based on direction and volume. So when my wingmen buzz me on ground i get a slight rumble from side to side. When my engine runs it feels natural, when i power up it escalates. When guns are fired the shake is even stronger.
  10. If you do go VR this might interest you for DCS https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=218861 and it looks like he will do a version for flat screen users as well. Also VoiceAttack is very usful for things like toggle icons, open map. From what I have seen the F 14 start up needs comms for the groundcrew. So if you set VA up all you will need to do is talk to the ground crew so they will do their thing.
  11. My feelings on VR are that the sensation of "being sat in the cockpit" are worth the loss of resolution, harder to pick up targets, harder to check six, and read text. If you buy a second hand set up and you dont like it you should be able to sell on without much, if any, loss. So really its a win/win
  12. Thanks, I will /might use the WH mapping or use Target to match the default keypress to buttons.
  13. I have had a look on ED forum but cant find any info. Does anyone know any?
  14. And again Dear friends, We just released the new update 3.012. Only two weeks have passed since the previous update so the changelist isn't that long, but this time our customers will get FIVE new pieces of content for all three our current projects at once. First, this is a new Collector's Plane for Bodenplatte - Fw 190 D-9 "Dora", one of the legendary late war Luftwaffe planes with very good speed and armament. Its main difference compared to previous models is Jumo-213 A1 water cooled engine equipped with MW 50 water-methanol injection system that can be used to increase the power output even more for up to 10 minutes. Another improvement of this plane is the automatic engine governor MBG and an effective engine cooling. This is also the first aircraft in our project to receive EZ 42 gyro gunsight. "Dora" could carry up to 500 kg bombs and R4M Orkan rockets (the new weapon in our project as well) which later served as a base for many post-war unguided rocket designs. Second, we released the Prokhorovka map for Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka project. This map is an important step in our map technologies because the polygonal net of the landscape is 16 times more detailed than on previous maps. In addition, the detailed zone for ground warfare (20 km to the South and the West of Prokhorovka) contains new high detailed buildings with new damage visualization. It should be noted that this more detailed environment, of course, demands more from the graphics subsystem, but reasonable graphics settings can give you good performance even on middle range video cards. You may ask "Why don't you make all the new maps at this level of detail?", but the answer is that increasing the level of detail reduces the overall size of the map. A good map for the joint tank and air battles (100 x 100 km in case of Prokhorovka) would be not enough for a full-blown, 'air campaign' map that should be 200 x 250 km minimum. Therefore, Prokhorovka map is a fine balance of several things. It allows making interesting tank campaigns, having interesting joint tank and aircraft multiplayer, keeping the performance impact 30% or less at reasonable graphics settings, and having improved visual quality at the ground level required for the ground battles. Third, Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka customers get two new toys: M4A2 and PzKpfw.III Ausf.M. Both tanks were interesting machines and they are recreated painstakingly and with passion. It should be noted that M4A2 could stand its own even against the heavier German adversaries thanks to its maneuverability, good turret traverse speed and sufficient armor penetration ability of its solid AP round. The medium tank PzKpfw.III Ausf.M also had a good chance against medium Soviet tanks - APCR rounds could penetrate their armor while its frontal protection was relatively good thanks to the spaced 50 and 20 mm armor plates. It also had a low visible profile, good maneuverability and high rate of fire. Fourth, Flying Circus customers get Fokker D.VIIF. it was one of the best, if not the best, Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte fighter of WWI. The new and powerful for its time BMW IIIa engine gave the plane high speed and maneuverability at high altitudes while the oxygen supply enabled a pilot to fight up there effectively. Its armament is standard for German fighters of that time - two 7.92 mm LMG 08/15 "Spandau" (650 rounds per minute each). 1. Fw 190 D-9 "Dora" fighter is available to Battle of Bodenplatte Premium Edition owners; 2. Prokhorovka map (Southern part of the Kursk salient) is available to Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka owners; 3. M4A2 tank is available to Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka owners; 4. PzKpfw.III Ausf.M tank is available to Tank Crew - Clash at Prokhorovka owners; 5. Fokker D.VIIF fighter is available to Flying Circus - Volume I owners; 6. Locomotive tenders are destroyable once again; 7. The oxygen system capacity corrected (increased) on Fokker D.VII; 8. The sound of a damaged engine made more pronounced on all aircraft; 9. KV-1s, Pz.VI-H1, M4A2, and Pz.III-M have night gunsight illumination; 10. KV-1s and Pz.VI-H1 turrets bend their antennas when rotating; 11. Rocket exhaust flame corrected - it cuts immediately when the engine of a rocket stops and its smoke trail disappears faster; 12. A game freeze (when a statistics screen was visible on top of the other menus) has been fixed. Please discuss the update in this thread.
  15. Sid, have you read this thread? https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=203529&page=2
  16. It is an awful lot better now that Loft has gone.
  17. Oh yes! Dear friends, One week has passed since our previous Dev Diary and we have something new to show you once again. The rate of development is truly fantastic. Today we won't have so much text but will compensate it with WIP screenshots of two 'stars' of our Bodenplatte project. The first star of today's Blog is the British fighter Hawker Tempest Mk.V series 2. These planes played a significant role in the events of January 1st, 1945 - the units managed to take off in time when Luftwaffe attacked the Allied airfields during Bodenplatte operation. Tempests were equipped with some serious firepower - four 20mm Hispano guns - and achieved good speeds at lower altitudes, which was handy for a dogfight near the ground. The second aircraft we want to show you today is USAAF North American P-51D-15 Mustang, the most famous American fighter of WWII that was widely used in different theatres of war. To a degree, its exceptional range and altitude capabilities made the deep bombing raids over Germany possible. Mustangs had good overall maneuverability and climb rate, while their six .50 cal M2 Browning machineguns allowed them to engage any air targets. A Mustang could also carry bombs and rockets, making it a fighter/bomber. It should be noted that while many Mustangs still exist around the world, including airworthy ones, most of them are combinations of different modifications, including post-WWII ones. Therefore we're spending a lot of time researching tech schematics, spare parts catalogs, and similar documents to make sure the final result will be as authentic as possible. And to finish today's blog, here are WIP screenshots of the next Flying Circus plane - Fokker D.VIIF. This Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte late WWI fighter has been equipped with a great engine for its time, BMW D.IIIa, that gave it an advantage over Allied fighters at high altitudes. Coupled with good maneuverability, it made Fokker D.VIIF a very dangerous adversary.
  18. This is getting silly still it should run a rift on medium settings. Cant wait to try carrier landings in VR
  19. I have read that I will "need" another 16gig of ram so I have bought it. Its getting quite expensive!
  20. Crash

    Using JSGME

    Cant help with that sid, but I have just downloaded v1.3 do I need the other versions?
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