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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    You could be right Jim. I still have some more tweeking to with the Tray Tools. The gains are getting smaller, and frame rates in game seem fairly constant at 20, 45, 60 in Black Death. It was definatly not worth £164 for the small gain that I have. The X1900XT was a great card for IL2. Maybe with a better driver the 3870 will come good. Still, nothing venured nothing gained. On a brighter note, I now have 333 FSB speed, giving my E6300 CPU 2.3 gig from 1.86 standard. Woo hoo! This was achieved by following BBloke's advice and pushing the ram voltage up to 2.1v from 1.85v as per Corsair spec. Made no difference to frame rates though.
  2. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    Thats excellent BB, thanks.
  3. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    I have just upgraded from a X1900XT 256mb to a 3870 512 DDR4. Latest driver listed on the AMD/ATI site is 7-12 for this card on XP 32bit. With this driver I get 20, 40, and 300+ fps (worst, ave, best) ~5fps average
  4. Ok, the mic has to go in the white jack, which I thought was digital only. Still cant get the headphones to work in the grey jack (line out 2) No probs. I'll splice them into the speaker line. Tested t/s with the game running and all is well. Thanks Painless. Time to fit the 3870 512mb. @ BB, you have just confirmed what I suspected with the timings, that probably did cause the crash. My multiplyer is locked, so I can only push up the FSB (formally the KGB ).
  5. Cheers guys - I know you are right, but I could not resist having a fiddle with it. A little knowlege is a dangerous thing, lol. Core 2 chips are supposed to be well clockable. I did'nt set the voltages high enough to handle the higher speeds. A simple cmos reset fixed it. I'll run default speeds for the moment. Anyway, forget that for now. I've got another can of worms with the sound. Speakers work. No mic, no headphones. New sound car is a Creative X-Fi Extreme Gamer. 4 jacks, green, grey, orange and one digital. Speakers are ok in green. Mic in orange and headpones in grey dont work. I dont see how to configure those jacks in the creative console. Any ideas?
  6. Cheers Bbloke. Its an OCZ Vanquisher, its on now but what a PITA it was. I dont rate those expanding plastic plugs much! I chucked in a X-Fi Gamer sound card, 2 gig of Corsair PC6400 and a 600w PSU while I was at it. Frame rates on Black Death track are 19, 35 and 61 @ 1680x1050. Which is exactly what they were before, lol. Seems a little snappier on loading though.
  7. Lol m8. The Austrailian business model seems the most appealing for sure.
  8. Anyone know the best way of dong this on an Intel E6300/ MSI P965 Neo mobo? I'll be trying some overclocking when the new OCZ cooler is fitted. Cheers.
  9. Beautiful m8. Its got to be the prettiest plane of WW2. Got intereted in aviation and flight sims after reading this:
  10. I just watched a m8 play through that level of CoD 4. Friggin awesome, and scarily realistic compared to actual footage. AC-130= certain death.
  11. ~S~ Fireman, a m8 has played CoD4 on a less powerful machine than yours and it ran fine. Crysis is very demanding, but I dont know anyone who has played it yet.
  12. Thats a cool bit of kit alright. I use a cheapo usb keypad for bombing, which is ok. I'm saving for the rumblepad atm. Looking forward to stallfighting with it tucked down the front of my pants. Nice.
  13. It really does make you wonder.... what is the point of that bloatware called Vista? I've read tests of Crysis on real top end machines getting less than 20 fps on high settings. Nice fix on the DX10 m8. I'll be staying with XP as long as possible.
  14. Hear hear to everything JP said. ~S~ Deacon, happy new year to you and the 352nd. I got to admit Carl, I'm quite enjoying the exchange of bitch slapping between you and Painless. Best wishes to all in the new year. ~S~
  15. Thanks lads, I'll check em out.
  16. ~S~ Jabo, I believe the Pro has metal parts and a few non-essential extra functions. It is likely to be longer lasting than the Std.X52. Psycho is the man to talk to as he has just upgraded. My standard X52 still works great after 18 months. The software is simple enough. Adding Saitek Pedals 5 months ago was easy. Getting used to aiming with the feet was not easy. I would still get TIR before HOTAS if I had to make a choice though. Cheers.
  17. Very nice pit m8, and the sky blue walls are a cool touch.
  18. Can anyone help me get a series of audio clips from a movie. Or point me to a good (free) tool that will do the job. I re-encoded the whole movie from Div x to Mpeg4 using VirtualDub, but its gone out of synch. Is that normal? Or if anyone has an Audio file of Matt Monroe 'On Days Like These' and Dietrich's 'Lily Marlene' they are willing to share. Thanks in advance.
  19. Klinger

    Working off line

    Right click on Connection symbol in taskbar and disable/enable works for me.
  20. Well done sorting it out m8. That was a real head scratcher.
  21. WTG JP. How are you getting on with it m8?
  22. Hey Pooka, hope you're having a good day. All the best, mate. ~S~
  23. I love Darts videos. Better than half the crap on tv. Cheers D7.
  24. .....or C_G's Noddy steering wheel yoke thing. Seriously impressive work m8, glad you're up and running. We need the cold blooded killer in you on Sunday.
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