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6. RIP
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Hey Tonar, I had a windows update that took out my sound blaster a few months back. Got rid of the update in Add/Remove programs.
  2. Your system will perform superbly with '46. m8. The next gen graphics have arrived with the new cards from ATI and Nvidia. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showprodu ... =GX-099-HT £139-00. Inc. Worth a look before you commit, maybe. New Nvidia cards seem to start at £300+
  3. Hey Jensen, great news m8. This is only a google cut and paste, but seems simple and accurate. 2 alternatives:
  4. LOLOLOLOLOL. :) :) Whats the deal with the love child, BG ?
  5. Its alright for you guys having personalities of cool aircraft. For some unknown reason I'm a Hawker Todger Mk 2, doh!
  6. MiG 15 is a beaut, can't wait to see the F86. Be interesting to see how they model the radar gunsight on the Sabre. In IL2, the jets are not so much fun online (good offline tho
  7. Also be sure the game is set to Open GL and not Direct X m8.
  8. I reckon its covered by the UK 'Sale of Goods Act' GMan. "Key Facts: • Wherever goods are bought they must "conform to contract". This means they must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality (i.e. not inherently faulty at the time of sale). •
  9. Thanks a lot Pete. It wont affect my DD fun though.
  10. Hey Bucky, I'll be resuming my JO education with APS also. After 2 gap years. Be good to have a friendly face in class. If I stay up late, and you get up early, we can get together to practice. Timezones suck, lol. See you in School m8. ~S~
  11. Lol. Classic. :) :) .......But could he balance a motorcycle on a mans head ?
  12. Walter is the man.
  13. Looks like a crap place for a night out Pete. He's going to need that holiday. Apart from the obvious dangers, I'll bet its quite a thing to be out there, with your well trained, well equiped mates. Good on him and his buddies.
  14. Thanks for this Bojan. You have some beautiful country there m8. Great post.
  15. It was good seeing you fly for the 1st time online Crunch, brought back a lot of memories for me, lol. You thoroughly deserve the promotion to Captain m8. ~S~
  16. There have been a few that are ..... different. My fave at the moment is the "Beardmore Inflexible"
  17. Hi Lt. Crash and welcome to the squad. If you want to get up to speed with IL2 in short order, you could do a lot worse than to sign up for Joint-Ops flight school:
  18. Live the dream m8.
  19. lol. Purely crossdressing is probably ok. Having gender changing surgery would be considered a mod. When I think mod, I think low powered put-put, piloted by a poser.
  20. What threads ? Have I missed something ? As far as I know, all squad meetings will be 4.08 with no mods, until the official 4.09 patch is generally available.
  21. Update on the Ju 88 Stuvi:
  22. Yeah m8. We were a small group, but perfectly formed.
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