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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Edmonton is a particularly liberal commune in a sea of conservative blue. Not that they all are, but if you want to see a liberal, that's where you go. The rest of the province is BLUE BLUE BLUE.
  3. That's because I was a platoon NCO on basic, several times! I've worked with the Brits in Suffield AB many times, and they're a good lot. Some of them when they retire from the Army settle here, and have joined my Reserve unit: we have a sister squadron in Medicine Hat, very near to CFB Suffield where the British Army does Battlegroup live-fire exercises from Spring to Autumn.
  4. Actually I mentioned ripping their arms off and beating them with the bloody ends...
  5. I've heard of it, especially that it is the best WW2 FPS. I haven't gotten it yet. Yes, I was in the Canadian Army Reserves for almost 14 years, in tanks. Ended up as troop 2 i/c (Troop Warrant Officer.) And, BTW, are you saying THAT I'M NOT AN EASY GOING GUY?
  6. To all readers: I'm not trying to start a flame war or any argument, nor am I pissed off at anyone. DT has very valid points, and I'm just responding. Please don't think that this is in any way a negative response...
  7. To be honest, I hate multiplayer FPS games. They're too far from reality. I love them offline, though. Doing MOH Pacific Assualt right now. Flight combat sims do a much better job of mimicing the real deal. Multiplayer FPS's are nothing like the real thing. I'd rather go paintballing. Just my humble opinion. Thanks for the heads up anyway, McGraw. And BTW: the Hitmen are going down!
  8. Remember: shipments go by car, and cargo goes by ship.
  9. Uh, oh: I see a forum migration happening again.... Hope you don't go crazy over such things, Rog!
  10. Awesome work, Glenn. I'm getting the same kind of close associations with people around here at my work as well. Now I know someone who produces for CNN, a teacher of the main character in "Hotel Rwanda", and the friend of a victim of the mass murderer in the "Zodiac" murders (the last two are a colleague of mine.)
  11. It's open now, showing up as UK Ded 3 on ASE, and as UK Dedicated 3 on HL. It is open to all, because they need to populate it for more testing. It's quite stable now. The maps are being migrated from UK 2 and some new ones, with the typical rotating planesets. They are also using the new maps. At least the new desert map is on. As for becoming a supporter, I gave them 10 bob, and they made me "green." Cheers
  12. Roger that, M8. See you around: I'm [bfs]Rattler on the UK Ded servers.
  13. Yeah, remebering it all will be a challenge. Plus, to really excel at different planes will be even harder, because they all behave differently! Also, you need to be able to do this in combat, which means knowing what to do without looking (by listening to the engine, and just SOP's)!! This is one of the reasons I'm enjoying Zeke's vs. Wildcats so much: I tend to fly only 3 planes seriously: the A6M2-21, the A6M3 and 5, and the KI-84.
  14. Rgr, m8. What did you think?
  15. Here's a post from the Zoo. Pretty good on how to use CEM in the 'Stang. Good tips on how to read your gauges, which then requires you to fly the airplane offline to test what changes do what to the plane at what heights... Much like JO where you guys had to write the performance envelope for the plane, no? [edit] Doh! Stupid brain! Here's the link... http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 5641027835 Thanks, Fireman!
  16. Which one did you fly, BG; 1, 2, or 3?
  17. Ground pounder, pongo, axle grease, you're all the same, Rog. Why walk when you can ride? And a Spartan doesn't count - not roomy. Neither does a 432.
  18. Here's pics of stats from Clarke and I on Zeke's and Wildcats. Focus on the mission! We had a gas!! The Palau map took 23 minutes! Clarke did an awesome job covering our asses in an Oscar on Tigers while a few of us took Nates and bombed their keesters back to China. It was a great fight: 2 blue wins in a row, when Red usually dominates on Zekes. If you're ever up late evenings, say midnight EST, check us out on TS or HL. [edit] BTW: Clarke is SF1 online... Palau Map - seems too easy for Blue to win, now that I see how we did it... Tigers map...Hawks, I-153's, and I-16's vs. Oscars and Nates (takes a long time to win!) [edit] can someone show me how to thumbnail these?
  19. Nae, mate, you're not alone!
  20. http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_sp ... l=845E_Max Looks like your Mobo can handle at least a 2.4, but the specs say "or higher"... Try downloading a manual for it to check if you can't find yours.
  21. Filezilla is a very good free FTP program.
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