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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Well if JP & CG can both see eye to eye, then both Korea's will be next.
  2. Jim was expecting a Pirelli Calendar.
  3. Just changed ISP and had no internet connection over the weekend. I'm okay now, I survived it. Did the world blow up whilst I was 'away'? I can't tell without an internet connection.

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  4. GreyKnight


    Nice one Nick.
  5. DAMN! You're getting real good at this now Dave. Gorgeous model and perfect colours too.
  6. Good job there's no-one in my office, right now, as I did this.
  7. Urghh, see the terrible stutter/lag around 4min mark, when he's flying along the coast. And now imagine how powerful these PCs are if they're at a convention showing the game off.
  8. Keep fighting Jim!
  9. Easy life! Wanna swap? Lovely pics.
  10. Deck Gunner - "I see the 3 stooges made it back this time."
  11. We don't want any of your Brokeback Mountain kind of displays here Painless! Just aeronautical stuff only!
  12. Take it easy BG.
  13. Cool! Gotta add one for Friar... FriendJU52Destroyed You nailed that Spit from 900m away REAL good there Ace! Don't know why the colours change?
  14. Cool feature! I've awarded myself the other two SEOW campaign medals. I came up to the stand, announced myself as recipient of the awards, marched up to myself, saluted myself, returned the salute to myself, awarded myself the campaign ribbons, pinned the ribbons to myself, saluted myself, returned the salute to myself, shook hands with myself vigorously, did an about turn and smartly marched off to applause from multitudes of myself. :asshole: So I deleted my signature that hard the links to these ribbons elsewhere. I just hope we don't change forum software again and lose them.
  15. Hilarious! After watching that vid, it had a link to a similar one...
  16. Wow! That looks lush, was that you flying this Snacko? If so, what FPS were you getting?
  17. Hilarious!
  18. Blinkin' flip! If he did that over here in Vienna, he'd be dead after 300m. Austrian drivers are terrible and never indicate and live in their own little bubble.
  19. That is off the charts!
  20. I'll have to try and make this, as a spectator. Would it be okay if spectators could bring their own Flakpanzers to the event?You know, for a bit of entertainment for the audience, and a bit of pressure for the pilots to put on a good show or get a head-shot.
  21. Brando, Sorry to hear that, sounds like a nightmare! I bought this one... http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=WC-002-CS&groupid=962&catid=1532&subcat= Absolutely superb! Attach backing plate to bottom of MB, screw in clamp from front side of MB to backing plate, now put in the cooler, give it twist and screw it down. Job done! Attach radiator/fan to your 120mm chassis mount and connect power. Radiator and cooler are already connected to each other with 2 pipes. You just mount the radiator and cooler. Keeps my CPU at about a constant 30°.
  22. Anyone else been getting unplayable LAG recently? Since yesterday, every time I enter a battle, I just can't drive around with the insane lag. I engage the auto drive and.... nothing. Then I see a tree 20 metres in front of me magically fall over, and all of a sudden my tank warps to that tree's location. And rinse and repeat. I'm showing FPS no lower than 40fps, a ping of 150ms, my mouse cursor travels around as fast as normal, but driving is impossible.
  23. You got 5,000 gold once!!! Jealous, big style. I wish I joined before the wipe. All your crews must be 100% then? But along with being able to make platoons, doesn't Premium give you an extra 50% Research/Experience/Cash bonus?
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