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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Nice pix Snacko, but that first picture makes the Mig-15's wingspan seem bigger than an A380!
  2. For all you retro-jetters- > http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2201798&postcount=12
  3. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2200032 Free to those of us with FC3. p.s. And here is the trailer, keep watching till the end (I must try this one day)
  4. Chaps, Seeing a recent post on reddit where they said that the AH-64 module had been cancelled -> http://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/2hpkg7/apache_ah64_for_dcs_is_cancelled/ Someone replied below with a link to all the modules that a 3rd party called VEAO had lined up, interesting read: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=127100 I'd especially love to get the Puma & Tornado, along with the Falklands map.
  5. Sorry to laugh Eshark, but that is the default cry for every player who tries out their latest DCS module for the first time. "This bleeding SU-27/Black Shark/P-51/Mi-8/A-10/Huey/etc is impossible to get off the ruddy ground."
  6. I can wait a while till it comes on sale. Looks sweet though.
  7. Who else is in for the Standard Beta launch tomorrow? AT LAST!
  8. Just utter awesome sauce!
  9. Those updated Korea tiles look well impressive considering the age of Falcon4. I still think Falcon4 has the BEST campaigns in any flight sim, even compared to newer games. A huge war unfolding non-stop, 24 hours a day, with multiple types of missions to fly. Although DCS is slicker, it's static, one-off missions pale in comparison.
  10. Yes the last 2 patches were awesome! The door gunners and co-pilot can now be ordered to fire at will or return fire, and you can tell them to fire in short bursts or long. So if you upgrade the door gunners to the mini-guns too, they JUST TEAR APART enemy ground forces. I love flying a gunship now, just circle the target area and let the door gunners go nuts! The under-slung loads takes a lot of practise, but it's great fun to deliver loads to a FOB now. p.s. Sheesh, I remember doing ramp-starts in Falcon 4 BMS, having to start in the cockpit 30mins before take-off time. And then you don't play the game for a week and you're like, "...how do I turn on the battery again?..." Same with A-10C, I could ramp-start that at the beginning of the year. Forget all that now.
  11. Wow, that does look sweet. @ Snacko - Have you tried the new under-slung loads for the Huey in the latest patch? Pretty cool, along with the previously added AI gunners.
  12. Just read this on reddit.com, hilarious.
  13. Well flown Nage.
  14. The team that brought you Huey and Hip, are planning 2 more. http://www.belsimtek.com/company/ I so badly want the OH-6/MD-500/Defender to come out.
  15. Nice one Sid, can't wait to see it finished. I sometimes see one flying up and down the Danube here in the summer. Like in the game, it flies SO SLOWLY!
  16. Looks like only the F-15C has it. http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/products/flaming_cliffs_3/index.php
  17. Yeah! Lets get some wocka-wocka action! Hueys to the skies!
  18. @ Snacko - If any weekends are good for you lot, just let me know.
  19. I've got a handful of good Huey missions we could run. Mainly shuttling troops back and forth from FOBs to the front line. You can either fly slicks or gunships, whatever takes your fancy. The Huey is the DCS game I have the most hours in. I've just learnt the A-10C and am now trying to learn attacks with it. I got Black Shark 2, but haven't flown it since I used to play the 1st version. The Mi-8 is still too raw for me right now, what with the russian cockpit, I'm waiting for more features for this.
  20. I have a MSFFB2 and don't use any utils to use the forcetrim in the Huey. I just had to reverse the FF settings for the cyclic axis in the settings.
  21. Yup, I've pledged to this. Looking forward to it.
  22. Skypup, I'd do what you said, wait till they're on sale and grab them. They just moved a bunch of their aircraft/modules onto Steam. And I bought Huey when it was on their own big sale a few months back. But it's up to you on what to get, whatever floats your boat. I've just got a love for the Huey and so bought that. The next time there's a big sale, I'll grab A-10C. The developers of the Huey module, Belsimtek, are going to bring out the Mi-8 HIP helicopter module after the Huey.
  23. If you have a PS3 and PS+ subscription, you can get it for free on your PS3. A cracking little game and not a problem to play with a controller, unlike FPS games on consoles.
  24. Not 100% accurate SkyPup, but I would imagine it's slightly more demanding than IL-2. But I get good FPS, unless I get near smoke markers.
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