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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Whoever made it, it's still a good effort. Can't beat one of THE iconic aircraft of its time. Ask Sid, he can tell you how easily it could down Spitfires.
  2. Are you nuts FT?!? Did you use your FEET to control it? I had the original MK.I, the FFB Pro with the old 15-pin interface, and it was great and lasted me 10 years. Then I managed to get hold of the Mk.II recently, the FFB 2, and it was a great upgrade. If I had one of the many other numerous, non-FFB sticks, I think I would forget about IL-2 and play 'Lemmings online'.
  3. DONG!
  4. Nice one BA, what program did you use? GIMP? You can try adding some shadows or other effects to your name, it makes the text stand out. Or download some military-type font, and it'll look semi-professional.
  5. Nope, but my kids got theirs. But my super immune system can handle a tougher version of the 'Man-flu'
  6. DAMN SNACKO! You should be studied by scientists, coming out with stuff like that!
  7. Hey Sulky! How's the sheep doing down there? Bet the weather's better than the UK?
  8. Not bad indeed!
  9. http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Most-Useless-Machine/
  10. Poor fella! You'd think he'd learn after the first time, wouldn't you? Nice pix, pity you couldn't of fed the ducks.
  11. As Darth Vader would say, "Very impressive!" But... I wonder how that all started? Decades(?) ago, some rating must of gotten sick of bog standard marching with the rifle and thought, "...I know, I'll wang this rifle around a bit!.." And then his drill sergeant must of thought of bollocking first, but then thought that's pretty nifty, I'll get that lad to teach the rest of us.
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8446545.stm
  14. He-he! Sheesh, imagine the frenzy it's going to be like when he returns to play golf and walks on to the 1st tee!
  15. I wouldn't drop any firewall for even a split-second, I've had PCs infected in 30 secs with trojans.
  16. One important thing with bombing I've found, and Dave mentioned it, was make sure you're all levelled out and your speed is constant and you're on the right heading at AT LEAST 2 GRID SQUARES AWAY from the target. I'm a crap multi-tasker, so I prefer to be setup at 3 grid squares away. Once I get to the right altitude, I throttle back to 80%, so that I don't get my airspeed creeping forward after I've levelled out from climbing. That means you have all your settings dialled in correctly to match your height and current TAS. All you need to do now for 3 grid squares is minor rudder trim alterations in order to stay on target. If you leave this too late, you'll be trying to level out, whilst also entering height & speed and trimming and etc.. and it's a nightmare.
  17. GMan, Why do you need a mission for this? Why not start a quick mission builder in the B25 at 5,000m and as soon as you spawn, switch on auto-level, fire up the map, and pick a bridge or airfield about 4/5 grid squares in front of you and aim for that?
  18. I never knew a website like this existed... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8439495.stm Why not just give them all a huge mirror, instead of a PC? You learn something new every day huh?
  19. Nice pix! But how does the American aviation authority allow that blimp to get away with not securing the cockpit from the passengers? Some crazy whack-jobs could take over controls and.. Whack-job - "...WE HAVE TAKEN OVER THIS BLIMP AND WILL FLY IT IN TO A BUILDING!..." Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... 2 hours later... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Whack-job - "...Prepare to die!..." Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... Brmmmm... 2 hours later... Brmmmm............BOING!
  20. Painless: Win Gold in 2010 Winter Olympics for The Bi-curiousathalon CLASSIC!
  21. Friar, I was the same when I tried to tell the joke to my brother whilst on Skype last night. I got to the bit at the end, "... you can do-" before I bent over in convulsions of laughter. It took me 5 attempts before I could finish the joke.
  22. I've only just stumbled across these YouTube videos, as they were recently rated one of the most popular on the site. Fly Guy Let me in
  23. Maybe one for the Brits only? I phoned the council the other day and asked them if it's okay if I have a skip outside my house, the guy on the other end said, "...You can do bloody cartwheels up & down the street for all I care!"
  24. Did you two go climbing up THAT ice in pic #1? You're bonkers!
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