I still dabble with World of Tanks, but my 2 sons love it more. The new American tanks look good, especially that speedy light tank, can't remember its name? My 5 year old just loves driving his Panzer around knocking down all the buildings and trees.
Just finished Mass Effect 2, that was a good single player FPS/RPG game. The opening sequence is the best I've ever experienced in a game. You're on this spaceship that is under attack and you go through an airlock and find the ceiling has been shot away and you're looking in to space and the huge planet you're orbiting fills your screen. Utterly breath-taking!
I've not played Warband, just the single player original, Mount & Blade. What kind of numbers of players can you get playing together in Warband before it gets laggy? But I do still regularly play Warhammer Online MMO. But that game is dieing slowly unfortunately, as usual the developers ignore the customer complaints and there's several new MMOs coming out this year.
Just trying Star Wars - Force Unleashed 2 now. The ability to pick up and throw Storm-Troopers around and to crush TIE Fighters into tin-cans is too good to miss.
My boss showed me MineCraft, he says it is addictive, so I'm going to give it a miss before I come addicted too.