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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Wow Friar! How much CPU% and RAM does that desktop use when you install it?
  2. That was great, thanks Skypup!
  3. Just use the INSERT FLASH icon and stick the URL for your video inside it the tags. Also, change the default window size to match that of YouTube, 425,350. p.s. I edited your post to show you. p.p.s Here's another excellent example of it...
  4. This is my work PC's desktop... Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.
  5. Good stuff Friar, now get back deep undercover again.
  6. No, it's all a single play game. I currently have a warband of 42 men. About 18 of them are heavy mounted knights like myself. Then I have about 6 to 8 crossbowmen/archers. Then the rest are all heavy foot knights. The mounted knights and myself do most of the hardest fighting. In a battle I just order everyone to follow me as I climb the nearest hill. Then I order the archers and foot knights to hold ground. Then I tell the mounted knights to follow me as I go around the flank or rear of the enemy to attack. My horse is a heavily amoured warhorse, so it does a lot of damage when running through infantry. You start off with a little light horse at first that will just rear up when you run in to someone. My usual tactic now is to flank the enemy archers and just plough in to them and lancing them. Those I miss with the lance get run over by the warhorse and so preventing them from firing. Then I just turn around and do it again. Plus the rest of mounted knights do the same. They all have different levels of experience. But my cavalry are elite and most of the foot knights are too. I also have to pay them a weekly wage and ensure that I have enough rations. Otherwise they get p1ssed and leave. But there's no pain in the ass micro-management. Cash income is not a problem, you just sell off your gains and then you just make sure you've got enough fish/bread/meat in your inventory. Then you travel the map smacking bad guys around or performing quests for the other lords of the land. There are also arenas in each major castle, where you can fight like a gladiator against other fighters and gain a few bob and experience. It's a great game to while away the odd time you can't be arsed to play IL-2.
  7. Chaps, When I'm not flying IL-2, I usually enjoy playing this other game called Mount&Blade. It's a cool game were you role-play a mercenary Knight in a fictional land. You start off on your own, with a few bob in change and a couple of farmers armed with wet loaves as your troops. Then you travel the land taking on relatively easy renegades and bandits, all the way up to dangerous armies of other Knights and warbands. You can even lay siege to castles or defend your own. You build up your cash by selling the surviving enemy troops you capture on the battlefield and then also selling their weapons. There are loads of medieval weapons to suite your style. You could be a lethal archer. But I prefer the armoured Knight riding a Warhorse, armed with a lance and sword and shield. I made a little video of my warband attacking a handful of River Pirates, check it out... (The video is not the best quality, as I had to shrink it down from 1GB! In this video, on my first attack, you see me lance two guys dead and my horse runs over the last enemy archer. Then as I turn around, I miss lancing another guy, before I turn around and draw my sword. Then I slash that guy dead and I'm just about to kill the last archer, before one of my archers kills him just as I get close to him.) The game is free to download and play, but once you character gets to level 6, you need to purchase a license to continue. So give it a
  8. Woman Cut Free After Two Years On Loo http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,, ... 35,00.html
  9. Taken from the OLEG ANSWERS post on the 1C forum. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread ... #post37715 See BG, you can be Obi-Wan and Oleg can be Anakin.
  10. ...to get teary-eyed -> http://www.break.com/index/human-bagpipes.html
  11. Happy Birthday Akula, have a good'un! What did you get?
  12. WOW! I've never seen a Helicopter flown this... 'l33t' before in my life! http://www.flixxy.com/bo105-helicopter-aerobatics.htm From the same site, Helicopter High Voltage Cable Inspector http://www.flixxy.com/helicopter-cable-inspector.htm p.s. How much must these crazy fookers get paid!?!?!?
  13. I think 7pm GMT people start gathering on TS. Well myself and Cold_Gambler are often first in, with BG not far behind.
  14. JP & Bucky? So which one of you two was in drag then? Or... does one of you two just look like that normally? p.s. Someone's already found some of their other movies -> You guys know of Okanagan Lake in BC? Their website is down, but thanks to Google for caching it... ... =firefox-a
  15. Good man!
  16. No probs Knight. But remember, if you ever do fly for the Red side, or a Spitfire, CTRL+E centres your gunsight.
  17. This patch is the current latest v.4.08m -> http://www.dangerdogz.com/k9vault/startdown/46/ Well if you enjoyed shooting down Sged in his Schpuckenfire, you can join our ever growing "KILL PAINLESS!" fanclub instead. Now at 3,945 members.
  18. I heard from someone on the Internets that Sged is currently a flight model tester for SOW IV : Falklands War.
  19. Damn! It's great to see you back, but sorry to hear about your family problems. We'll be flying tonight from 20:00 CET. p.s. Care to fly for the glorious Luftwaffe in our ongoing SEOW Italy campaign?
  20. I found this off the 1C forums, it's a fantastic site if you're modelling Bf-109s... http://www.flickr.com/photos/farinihouseoflove/
  21. Okay, which one of you are related to these two...? http://www.break.com/index/worlds-best- ... mpany.html
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