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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. How about this real one instead... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=320_1203457189
  2. Painless/Fireman/Sid, Is this what you guys do all day? If so, when can I join? http://www.break.com/index/worlds-faste ... ghter.html
  3. Spammed!
  4. Very good indeed.
  5. Shafted Butt Disease
  6. Yeah I must of missed all that too! It would be nice if we could try something similar on Thursday night. Maybe we could try that new Bomber only server on HL?
  7. Never seen that link before Delta7, thanks a lot. Loads of good info there.
  8. Thanks BBloke, I'll try and test all these settings this week.
  9. Chaps, What exactly is this? Where do I set it? I have the graphic set to Excellent within the program, but how do you achieve this 'perfect' setting? Is it in conf.ini? How far up the scale do those numbers go up to? Is the highest number 4 or something else? Or do I set this up using nVidia Control Panel for the IL-2 executable? I dug this up over on the zoo - http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 6381075036 So do I need to ensure that "Extension limit" is turned off? Some guy replied... "If this is on, then IL2 cannot use OpenGL and the box will be grayed out."
  10. Nice work Enforcer, lets hope the next SEOW mission we run provides you with plenty more pictures of exploding Allied aircraft, ships or tanks.
  11. But he forgot to add that his married members should have the sex with EACH OTHER!
  12. The Third Reich's Diabolical Orbiting Superweapon http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=940
  13. Huh? Which user exactly and which post?
  14. Some amazing stories in there, well worth the read. Cheers Klinger.
  15. Can't wait to see the spoilt little biatch's midget horse pr0n video, some way in the future. Once she realises she can't hack it in the real world.
  16. Well done you three!
  17. I sure will! I hope that 6 months flies passed.
  18. Very well done and funny... http://www.break.com/index/patriots-par ... eated.html
  19. I spotted this post over on the UKDed forum... http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentr ... hp?t=10730 ... and thought I'd make our version- Unfortunately BG, you get the fat guy who dies early on.
  20. ... on an old picture. Britain Today
  21. Well apart from BOB, what other games are you looking forward to this year? My one is... SPORE http://www.electronicarts.co.uk/spore/Screenshots.aspx For those who don't know, you start off as this little amoeba thing, living in this primodial soup, eating other ameobas. Then you slowly evolve over time in to a land based creature. Which you can design how it looks yourself. A three-legged, four-armed, fanged, eating machine or some docile quadroped which eats grass. Then you mate with others and each off-spring is slightly more evolved than its parents. Until after many generations, you've got a whole thriving civilisation that has learnt space travel. From then on, you can even leave you planet to scour the galaxy.
  22. 'Allo 'Allo? Mr Rude Is Now A Frenchman http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,, ... 36,00.html
  23. Trying them out now....
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