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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Woah! Check out Robo-pilot here!
  2. Russian MiG-29 shooting down Georgian drone aircraft. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/7359514.stm Georgian Joystick Controller, "...Damn, that missile is filling up the screen now....krrrrkkkkkkkkkkk!"
  3. Nice one Sid! We could refine that further, add a DangerDogz logo to it, sell it for £89.99 a pop and we'd be BILLIONAIRES!!! You in?
  4. No probs DT, thanks for clearing it up. Because when I landed that Stuka and looked over my shoulder, I thought, "BOLLOX! I managed to limp it all the way home, only for some Shermans to come in to the airfield and steam-roller everything!" So it's good to see SEOW transferred them correctly, and that we didn't somehow profit through a quirk instead.
  5. Righty-ho, that's that sorted out.
  6. Damn Sid, you nearly gave me a heart attack! I thought you were talking about last night in SEOW, and that the glorious Luftwaffe had lost another A/C due to CTRL+E errors. Thank god you were only talking about co-ops/dogfights. PHEW!
  7. Some great shots there Bucky, nice one!
  8. Enforcer, No they weren't lost, they materialized at the nearest airfield NW instead for the next mission. Very strange indeed.
  9. I saw all that action on the runway from first hand too, since Bear was my wingman and the pilot of this Stuka. I already had managed to land my Stuka, after BBloke had shot out my elevator controls, and as I parked up, I saw Bear approaching. As I taxied to a stop, I looked over my shoulder to see his Stuka slowly taxi off of the runway. Then explosions started appearing around his Stuka. Then as I zoomed in on him, I could see one Sherman entering the perimeter of the airfield and firing at him. So at that point we both quickly disconnected before we lost our aircraft.
  10. Thank you for the info.
  11. I've no clue when it comes to making these Tonar, but how do you deal with centre of gravity issues? Did this model come with instructions that has dealt with the CoG or are you just 'wiinging' it by ear yourself?
  12. Google, Zurich http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7292600.stm Yeah I could see myself being SO creative playing on a PS3 and sleeping in a bed.
  13. Not during work Friar!
  14. WingNut, Have a look at the bottom of the laptop to see if it's got the Micro$oft Windows XP hologram sticker with the key code on it. But usually the XP CDs that come with PCs/Laptops are not the full XP install CD. They're just recovery CDs that will install an image on whatever machine it was designed for, drivers n' all. So check to see if it's the full XP CD instead.
  15. Damn! That wing looks bullet-proof.
  16. One for BBloke...
  17. Amazing work Tonar... but what loadout are you going to fit to it?
  18. Amazing countryside where you live Tonar. Nice pix indeed,
  19. Happy Birthday Mobius! My birthday present to you is that you are hereby exempt from being to forced to fly in the SEOW this Sunday. ENJOY! GK p.s. What did you get?
  20. Sid, Fireman & Painless are on their way....
  21. Damn! We're getting semi-professional here now. Nice find BG, I shall print it out and blue-tac it up in no time.
  22. Campi, I'll give it a shot if you TURN OFF YOU'RE BLOODY CAPS LOCK! We're not deaf.... some of us.
  23. Some olden, some golden...
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