A good result for your lot last night Rattler.
I went to the 'Fan Zone' here in Vienna to watch it, and it was a fantastic experience. LOADS of dutch fans, and hardly any French fans there.
...so when are your flights booked Painless?
Oooh! That's two in one day now. That's it, I've used up my monthly quota of Painless jibes. See you this time next month.
When you click on the Pledge Now, you just put your country & email address in. So they can add you to the list and send you an email reminder on the day itself. That's it.
Got this from the forum of the 51 Air Group that BG just posted a link to.
What military aircraft are you?
Give it a go and see what you get.
I win by the way...
My Results:
F/A-22 Raptor
You are an F/A-22.
I have a single 8800GT, and it took some figuring out to get the perfect settings. So check this post out...
http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index. ... 982.0.html
Well, since he's going about 150Kmh, I'm sure he can go quite a bit further before he'll sink in to the water and.... oh wait, you're talking about marathon poo guy!
Whoops, my bad!