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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Nice
  2. WOW! Very Professional there GMan, nice one. I noticed you have a display cabinet and lots of GW game boxes, are you big fan too? What have you collected? My fave game is Blood-Bowl, what's yours?
  3. Somewhere in Hampshire, England, a virtual Spitfire pilot is becoming turgid.
  4. Bollocks! Bollox x2! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3f0YbQDxp0 Delta7 posted this link too, VERY FUNNY! Especially the 118 imitation!
  5. Is that Doktor or Skylord at work?
  6. From here... http://webmail.dangerdogz.com/ Or also use that link above to set up a forwarding address.
  7. JP, It's called Hs-129B-3/WA, 1944. An Axis plane and it uses the Bf-110 cockpit.
  8. CG, You MUST try it!!!
  9. Happy Birthday Pooka, have a good 'un!
  10. Nice going Psycho, otherwise I was going to make you fly with this... or a pair of these...
  11. Not bad... but I think it needs to be altered with some of Enforcers vintage erotica added to it.
  12. A polish man goes to an optician for an eye test The optician shows him a card with the letters : C Z W I X N O S T A C Z The optician says can you read that ? The pole replies, "... read it? I know him!"
  13. ... not like those numpties down in the NFL! http://www.break.com/index/quarterback- ... alls2.html
  14. Happy Birthday Pete, have a good 'un!
  15. Is this right? I saw that the only upcoming birthday was Rattler's on Saturday. But now yours appears for today. If so, have a good 'un and what did you get?
  16. Me neither Friar, but it had my mouth watering whilst reading that so I had to look it up... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perogie
  17. Here's the Google Earth file attached for those who can't be arsed typing in those bloody co-ordinates...
  18. I'd like to know the performance benefit for those who can try this. Let us know how you get on...
  19. Me? Hmmmm, good question.... I know my mother's side is Oirish and one of my Dad's grandfathers was Italian. But my surname is very old English.
  20. Need pictures!
  21. JP, It's just that I haven't got TrackIR and I couldn't be arsed faffing around with that Free stuff, so I paid for this variant instead.. www.cachya.com It cost me $15 USD and all I had to do was use my existing webcam and then print-out the Hat Sign Image and cut it out and glue to some card before I stuck it on a baseball cap. No LEDs involved and it works great. GK
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7128172.stm
  23. Come on, sing along... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/53892/
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