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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Amazing! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036932/New-York-City-photos-Charles-W-Cushman-reveal-1940s-life-Big-Apple.html
  2. You installed a new Anti-Virus or other software recently?
  3. Nick, Have you looked in to Airbrushes and Compressors yet? I recommended this to Painless. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/COMPLETE-AIRBRUSH-KIT-AIRBRUSH-COMPRESSOR-TANK-/350446067151?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item5198369dcf
  4. Snacko, Give it a try. If you like it, let me know and maybe we could team up and kick butt. p.s. Does anyone else think The Soldier in that video should be BadAim?
  5. Well since Jediteo is getting you all to try a serious FPS, would there be any of you interested in playing a light-hearted, but awesome FPS in TF2? I have managed to setup a dedicated server and would love to host about a dozen of us one night. It's free to play, just get it from Steam. If you haven't played it much, I could run a little 'lesson' session on my server and show you how the 9 different classes you can choose to play, actually work.
  6. More pix Nick! Looking good so far.
  7. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/policing-seems-to-work-201108104177/
  8. Hilarious!
  9. That Black Prophecy looks very interesting.... will try it tonight when I get in from work.
  10. Painless, Good luck with this project and don't forget a lovely Bf-109!!! What compressor have you got your eye on? I recently bought this one -> http://shop.wiltec.i...cef580a89e8ce37 Good value for money with a tank fitted. p.s. Here's a good deal on eBay for 2 airbrushes and a compressor -> http://www.ebay.co.u...=item5635b6fe82 I have both these airbrushes and the compressor is the same as mine, but without the air tank. So without the tank, your air-flow could pulsate slightly, due to the pistons of the compressor. A compressor with a tank can give you a constant/steady airflow. Probably only relevant to doing small delicate work. And since you're doing 32nd scale stuff, likely not an issue. The airbrush on the right (bd-132) is better overall, since it's a gravity feed airbrush, but you could still use the suction feed airbrush for larger work, like base coating. p.p.s. Ooh, here is a deal with exactly what I've got (but I bought them all separately, for a LOT more!) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/COMPLETE-AIRBRUSH-KIT-AIRBRUSH-COMPRESSOR-TANK-/350446067151?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item5198369dcf
  11. A 1/72 scale Tie Fighter from Finemolds. My favourite 'bird' of all time. (http://www.guntruck.com/TIEFighterReview.html) Just starting with the Tie Pilot and cockpit. Don't know why I bothered detailing the pilot so much, he's going to be locked up in the cockpit.
  12. ~S~ Chaps, My nine year old son, Jack, finally finished his Revell's 1/48 scale F-16C "Wild Weasel." He built most of it, spray painted the underside, applied the decals and even did the weathering. It's nowhere near accurate, more like 75%. We used decals from the 2 different squadron options it came with, and left loads of the little fiddly decals off. I left the underside white (although weathered) but it looks good enough. Of course
  13. Hmmmm... with that 2nd photo of it, I'm sure a re-spray could do it some justice.
  14. I'll be on TS too, even though I'm still having huge hassles just getting my installation to 4.10.1
  15. Dear Jim, Thanks for sentencing me to serve with the K9s. I can't remember when or how I was roped in, all I do remember back then was how cool this group of scumbags were. First thing that struck me was how you knew the first name of EVERYONE, that says a lot to me. Second thing, was how down to earth everyone was. No uppity Major-Colonels you had to salute in game chat just grab a kite and get up there. Kill or be killed. Give Painless some jip, the standard stuff. I would also like to apologize for any grief I gave you. With crap like, "Jim, you've left unlimited ammo on, again!" or "...hit fly Jim, we're waiting..." as you refilled your whiskey glass for the third time that evening/afternoon. There's been so many fun times with the Dogz. I flew as your wingman on many occasions (especially if I wanted a good laugh) and once remembered vividly, following close behind your flame painted P-38 in another Ardennes ground attack mission, and thinking to myself, "...where the hell are we going? The front line is back there!.." and as you bombs left the rack, I imagined, "... here comes another load of negative points for Jim..." We often said you would of been court-martialled by General Patton if you ever did fly for real in WWII. You do attract some amazing blokes to this squad (sounds a bit gay that), which is a testament do your outstanding character. I'm only sad I never got to meet you in real life. All the best, John
  16. That is one FUGLY bike! What kind of paint scheme is that anyway? Sorry Sid.
  17. Hi Brando, I installed it in my own custom \Games folder. No I didn't add any other of the older patches, pre-4.10. I'll try that next. I thought 4.10 would accumulate the prior patches. Cheers!
  18. ~S~ Chaps, I just installed a brand new, clean, installation of '46 on my Windows 7 x64. Fired it up immediately, with no alterations made (not even used the no-CD fix), and the game runs fine. Then I patch it up to v4.10, fire up the game, and briefly get the splash screen pop up briefly, then nothing. Install patch v4.10.1 over the top and still same problem, game doesn't load. Anyone got any help on this? FT? Gec? Jabo? I tried the forum search, but it sucks! GK
  19. GreyKnight


  20. TB3 Fights as well! GET IN! I'll try and make it.
  21. Cool, so it's just v.4.101 right now, NO mods? Great info, I'll get that sorted and patched asap... and then come back and continue my 'Aerial Observation' flying again. So if you see me on your 6 o'clock,100ft away, DON'T PANIC! I'm just gonna take a photo of you... I swear!
  22. Crash, I just got TrackIR, my joystick & rudder and IL-2 all sorted out, now I need to figure out how out of date my IL-2 install is!?!? I guess you should follow this? -> http://dangerdogz.com/forums/tutorials/article/17-how-to-mod-your-4101-install-part-1/ Cheers!
  23. So, sort of a miss for now. I'm not going to pay €50 for what's technically a beta, but aren't most games now? I can wait till it's sorted out... and the price comes down. Cheers chaps!
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