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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Just managed to finish it, Level 25. Internet Connectivity tests concluded, now onto....
  2. Pretty addictive... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/games/play/759703/
  3. SHEESH! He wins the BRASS-BALLS AWARD OF 2008 outright!
  4. To add to what Friar said, these FUNCTION keys are normally a different colour to the rest. Usually a blueish colour.
  5. I'm guessing it's a fish-eye lens, so...... Enforcer could answer this correctly.
  6. Yeah, that's why I did. Just kept cranking things up & up. You've got the same Graphics card as mine, I think. So I've got my water set to 4. Give it a go, I don't think it will trouble your PC/card at all.
  7. Nice to hear OT. But don't you want to crank the water level up further?
  8. So Euro 2008 is over and my pick, the Spanish, won it with a fantastic goal from Liverpool ace, Fernando Torres. A superb competition that I'm sad to see come to an end. I went to fanzone here in Vienna for the Netherlands v France game and the semi-final of Spain V Russia and the experience was nothing short of amazing. Especially the semi-final game, as myself and my girlfriend where stood with thousands of others, in the middle of an amazing thunderstorm. Still didn't spoil the atmosphere though. We also took a quick trip down to the stadium for the semi-final to witness the atmosphere first hand. The Spanish fans have been in good voice every time we saw them. I don't think there's been a bit trouble anywhere. This competition has been so much more enjoyable, without having the English side present and the gob-sh1te national media going over the top. Lets hope South Africa put on a good show for the World Cup in 2 year's time. p.s. And now back to some flying...
  9. LOL Good one!
  10. The backend of BG's doorbell?
  11. More... -> http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea ... id=7313830
  12. I hope all goes well OT, and I can't wait to hear your ravings about having a ninja PC. It's a nice feeling.
  13. George Carlin http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/664434/
  14. His new cool video -> http://www.break.com/index/where-in-the ... -2008.html His older one (my fave, better music) -> http://www.break.com/index/where_in_the ... _matt.html p.s. He got paid to travel the world to do these vids.
  15. You're such a party-pooper Rattler! Go back to the classroom, Teach!
  16. ... NOT! http://break.com/index/ball-girl-makes- ... catch.html The face on that outfield player is classic.
  17. Cool photos, looks like you all had a great time.
  18. Looking forward to the pics Fireman. I hope Enforcer's type of photography has influenced some of your photos.
  19. Runs a hotel doesn't he...? Is it on top of a small hill..? Can you often see someone sitting in one of the top windows...? We should just call him Norman Bates from now on.
  20. Sixth human foot found in Canada http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7462953.stm
  21. I looked through the Aircraft Guide pdf that comes with the game, but I couldn't find any indicators for this on any of the panels for all the Stuka versions. They only time you know your bombsight altitude settings is when you increase/decrease it. Then you get some white text appear in the bottom corner of your screen.
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