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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Frickin' hell! Bite his hand off now! I work in IT and I've never used anything with Firewire. I think Firewire is like Betamax, and USB is VHS. But PCs still come with the socket, as it's supposedly better, somehow, I think!?!?!
  2. Not bad for a frenchy... http://break.com/index/hilarious-astron ... -golf.html
  3. Nice one! Plenty of ->
  4. GreyKnight


    Nice one Jedi, I guess students are useful after all!
  5. Pretty damn impressive... JA-37 Viggen STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing)
  6. Is that from one of BG's North Africa co-ops?
  7. Good to hear from you again GMan.
  8. GreyKnight


    There is a trackir setting in conf.ini... [rts] ProcessAffinityMask=3 mouseUse=2 joyUse=1 trackIRUse=1 DisableIME=0 locale=
  9. Will one be wanting fries with that? Windows 2010 New I-Phone The 8.15 Woking to Waterloo Service
  10. You couldn't write a script this believable... http://break.com/index/roof-surfer-wipes-out-hard.html
  11. Wow, tough times indeed Enforcer. We really need some leap in alternative energy or... more oil rigs for you guys as you said. Or, you could put some blades on your scooter's wheels, get some American Football pads and a helmet and stick loads of spikes through them, and then find yourself a sawn-off shotgun and you'll be all set for the Apocalyptic future. Maybe a metal boomerang too, just for backup.
  12. ...the river/stream was only about 2 foot deep it seems... http://break.com/index/rally-car-rolls-into-river.html
  13. http://www.break.com/index/little-plane ... -guns.html
  14. I find it is a shame we can't seem to fly bombing missions in the way they were actually flown in WWII. The game itself forces ourselves to alter our tactics from those of real life in order to get the best result. Take my example about the He-111 versus Battleship scenario and even more relevant was during the BoB night the other Sunday. I think it was mission 3, were the Luftwaffe had to destroy 16 aircraft at the airfields and then 2 radar stations. So it was planned that some of us would fly He-111s with 20 x 70Kg bombs to carpet bomb these airfields. So I flew one and took about 20 mins to get to 4,000m. I was flying away from the action in order to get lined up on the airfields real nice. Then I go and miss them when my bombs dropped long. 20 mins for ZILCH! Whereas those guys taking a fighter/bomber, either the 110 or 109 E4/B, with a bomb and cannons, were getting to the airfields in no time and chewing up the parked aircraft at will. So in real life I guess the He-111s were the way to go, but in the game, it's more efficient to take the fighter/bombers... or get better bombardiers!
  15. DT, I did extensive testing, offline, during the Italy SEOW on how best to crack the two Royal Navy Battleships. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used the He-111 H6 throughout. As it can carry two torps or a pair of SC 2000Kgs or a pair of PC 1600s. I must of attacked the Prince of Wales Battleship no less than 30 times, and I can't remember the exact figures, but I do know the torps performed the worst. With unlimited ammo setup, it would take several drops of pairs to sink it. I'm guessing something around 6 torps at least. Whereas the SC 2000s were the best overall. I can't remember if just a pair could do it, I think it might need at least 1 more 2000Kg bomb. And the PC 1600s needed a bit more again I believe. After about 3 unsuccessful attacks with He-111s in the Italy SEOW, I tested offline again with the Bf-110, with a pair of SC 500s, as Kling mentioned above. And 3x Bf-110s armed this way will sink a PoW BB, as witnessed. The only good thing about torps I believe, is their ability to allow you to shoot at stationary ships from miles away. And as Kling again mentioned, with BBs, the armoured belt would probably of hindered the torps power. Whereas skip bombing with SC500s or SC2000s might of led them to skip over the belt and hit the ship above the sealine.
  16. Damn! I've got this 'event' on film. Once I get Window's Movie Maker sorted out, I'll try and get it uploaded.
  17. Happy Birthday Quazi, have a good 'un!
  18. Anyone know of any other free movie makers out there? I've been trying to use Window's Movie Maker to make a video from the BoB tracks, but it SUCKS!!!! I've tried to import .avi files that are only 5MB in size and it takes 10 mins to import each one!?!?! Then when I close the program and then restart it, it takes 20 mins to load my saved movie project! I've tried importing videos encoded in DIVX and MPEG4 V3 formats, and they both take the same amount of LONG time to import. I'm about to give up on it, it's rediculous! And my PC isn't old and slow, it's fast enough. GK
  19. Well done chaps!
  20. Nice one JP!
  21. Amazing! Check out the other dogs at the end going... WTF!? http://break.com/index/amazing-dog-esca ... ennel.html
  22. Very nice! Good action coming down that ladder! Did you hold up a sign at the end of the runway, as she flew passed, saying "MARRY MEeeeeeeeeee!"
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