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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. If you are struggling to get a hold of it I have plenty of different versions I can post out to help.
  2. Here's something Jim posted on another thread that may help Mike. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 3401005815 Its courtesy of Quazi
  3. I've always tended to paint the cockpit bars from inside!! I know it sounds strange but it does work and it also stops the possibility of them scratching of.
  4. Glad to hear things are well Psycho.
  5. I've looked but come up with nothing myself.
  6. Were you planning on taking off VT.
  7. Colin, you'll find it in your skins folder here: {game folder}\Paint Schemes\NetCache.
  8. BBloke

    Useful Links

    Removing Securom (if you really need to) http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?p=545915
  9. LOL.. holy shit thats like a skidu with wings !!! Cool VT..
  10. I think I may have posted abit on this already.. the default install of 46 has 3dgunners set to 1 and it would lower frame rates.
  11. Happy New Year All!!! S~ To you All
  12. BBloke


    Sadly the back fan is close to a radiator so sucking in warm air is a little too much
  13. This topic has been moved to Private Forum - DD & HH Only. [iurl]http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php?topic=1446.0[/iurl]
  14. DT, I think frior beat you to it on that one Thanks you two.
  15. Its all ok as it is.
  16. Do you want the other account deleting?
  17. Actually if you go into GuryPuddle's profile you cam change the name that every one sees. Here's how: Click Profile Click Account Related Settings Change the second box down to Okie and hey presto.
  18. Thats a good idea.
  19. Thought I'd jump in and it seemed like a quiet moment to do it.
  20. Hi All, This one is worth posting in case any one hasnt seen it before: [attachthumb=1] There are a few extra things on the Bonus disk but in order to get to it you must EXPLORE the cd.
  21. I took a look on the Bonus CD (which is a DVD disk) and it also has a PC folder there (you have to explore the disk rather than let it play in your favourite DVD player).
  22. Hi All, I have created two new sections on the home page www.dangerdogz.com. You'll find them if you hover over the 'Home' link.
  23. Beebop, This is what I found from the original mission created back when IL2 was in its original form. It relates to delaying objects although I cannot remember whether they spawn and dont move or whether they wait til the start time and then spawn.
  24. Wow.. the baby option is a nice deal too.
  25. I dont think its from me but it sure looks useful.
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