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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Jim's right Colin,
  2. You should not need to install any software when running the router through your network card.
  3. So wheres the sheep in the farmers field!!!! MMMmmmm so disappointed!
  4. If you click the reply button instead of using quick reply you will see a box that is for sending pictures to imageshack. Its another alternative way of doing it.
  5. BBloke

    46 ITS HERE

    The email I got from play said 3-5 days and its christmas and also your in the oute regions of the end of the world !
  6. Nice post.. Especially as most of the Dogz are male.. I'm not going to go down the root of my converstion last night.. think I may have gotten into a little hot water.
  7. Cool.
  8. LOL.. It was all looking so well.
  9. BBloke

    46 ITS HERE

    Cool... mine said posted yesterday so hopefully tomorrow. Chris
  10. Yep and Yep. Jim has hit the nail on the head.
  11. Sorry VT.. been a long morning.. Use Regedit and you'll see the list in the left just open it out for each step of the line.
  12. It may not be a driect EXE as such but a DLL that is loaded as part of running an EXE.
  13. I'll stick to my cooking!!!
  14. BBloke

    46 ITS HERE

    LOL.. keep it in the kleenex Delta
  15. I thought it was a sexual reference to some chickens and 'pregnant fish' in french.. but what do I know!!
  16. Bloody marvellous Frior. :D :D At least Christmas covers 12 days but Olegs patch always takes 'two weeks'
  17. BBloke

    46 ITS HERE

    And my copter has shipped too... oh wow Christmas is coming!! LOL
  18. Doesn't stop you from flying into the path of a big shell.. but every little helps! LOL
  19. What and fly that German shite!!! I'd rather try my luck in a barn full of RAMS!!
  20. That all sounds good Rog.
  21. Was the skin to mkae sure it wasn't inadvertantly mistaken as a flying tree??
  22. Deacon, There one was question I thought of.
  23. BBloke

    46 ITS HERE

    I checked emails but only one I got was for an XD mem card I ordered from Savastore.
  24. Are you saying all on Blue Watch are likened to Armadillo's... or was it DIME bars.... "ARMADILLOS!
  25. I'm not one to mass email or spam but I thought this may be worth posting up: Subject: FW: PLEASE READ AND FORWARD PLEASE READ. MAY BE HELPFUL AND PLEASE TAKE CARE!! ALL CAR OWNERS AND CAR DRIVERS PLEASE READ Warning!!!! Be aware of new car-jacking scheme. You walk across the car park, unlock your car and get inside. Then you lock all your doors, start the engine and shift or put into reverse. You look into the rear-view mirror to back out of your parking space and you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift the gear stick back into park or neutral, unlock your doors and jump out of your car to remove that paper or whatever it is that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car that is when the car-jackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off!! Your engine was running, you would have left your purse in the car and they practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. BE AWARE OF THIS NEW SCHEME THAT IS NOW BEING USED IN LONDON/MANCHESTER MAKING ITS WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!! Just drive away and remove the paper later! It is stuck to your window and be thankful that you read this email. I hope you will forward this to friends and family especially to women! A purse contains all identification, and you certainly do NOT want someone getting your home address. They already HAVE your keys!!! JUST BE AWARE AND TAKE CARE IT WILL PROBABLY SOON ARRIVE IN YOUR AREA Brian Molloy Detective Constable Force Intelligence Bureau Strathclyde Police 0141 532 5867 proactive The original of this email was scanned for viruses by Government Secure Intranet (GSi) virus scanning service supplied exclusively by Cable & Wireless in partnership with MessageLabs. On leaving the GSI this email was certified virus free. The MessageLabs Anti Virus Service is the first managed service to achieve the CSIA Claims Tested Mark (CCTM Certificate Number 2006/04/0007), the UK Government quality mark initiative for information security products and services. For more information about this please visit www.cctmark.gov.uk
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