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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. LOL.. aint it sweet!! Bet that think just sat there and laughed at ya.
  2. Just dont think that its just chocolate!
  3. I thought he was someone that blew chips!!!
  4. If you have a situation where you feel a format is too much trouble and you really need to get something sorted out with your XP OS then consider an in-place repair. http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm I know it has got some warnings to it and here's another one.
  5. Frior, I'm more than certain an ISA card would not go in your Dell.
  6. Well.
  7. You'll need more than 3 weeks to learn chinese!
  8. Maybe a closer look at the difference between whats running when offline and whats running when on may help set some pointers.
  9. There should be a disclaimer to it in case someone has printed it off. "By the time you have read the section relevant to the plane you are flying you will have been shot down already!!"
  10. Woooohoo.. Our fantastic leader is having a birthday!!!! Have a good un BG
  11. Jeez man.. would that class as a manual on its own or just an errata!! LOL
  12. Same here Dazza.
  13. TIR all the way.
  14. Just checked on Play and they show it out on the 15/12 :( :(
  15. Same here VT.
  16. LOL.. naughty what.. I was trolling... knew there would be something I'd missed somewhere.
  17. I've often found generic fans dont suit the heatsinks that well.. and I think they may be glued to it anyway. It may be expensive but if you can find one from here it may be your only option: http://www.arctic-cooling.com/vga2.php?idx=37 S~
  18. Well done guys.
  19. True Jim and how would they have made the video too
  20. Don't for get Dolly! Baaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
  21. BBloke

    TrackIR Tip

    Hi All, i dont know if this would be relevant to every version but I have had some trouble with TIR1 which showed itself as a delay in translating head movement to cockpit head movement. I found that unplugging and then replugging TIR back in cured it completely.
  22. Welcome to the pound.
  23. I dont think there are any memory limitation imposed against a service pack. Early PC's were shipped with 256mb of RAM as a minimum requirement for XP Pro or Home.
  24. I'm glad its booting Colin. Your plan of action sounds like a very good plan.
  25. I did find this on Symantec site: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/en ... Open&src=w I'm not sure if it will work or cover the sins that have happened.... Maybe you should try some holy water.
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