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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Wouldnt be so sure.. I think I've flown twice in the last 5 weeks!! LOL
  2. Thanks Jim. I would be honoured to be there for the final out
  3. It sounds like there is some confusion as to what should happen with internet shortcut links. Have you tried making IE the default browser and then re-make Firefox the default one? To make IE(6) default: Click Tools and then Internet Options. Select Programs check Internet Explorer should check to see whether it is the default browser. click OK Close and restart IE with Firefox closed! Check you shortcut. Close IE and start Firefox. Make Firefox Default: Click Tools and then Options Select Main and make sure the bottom check box is checked and click the check now button too. I tested it here and it does work but dont rely on any shortcuts from changing automatically.
  4. Hands up if you liked the clapping!!
  5. http://www.fucd.com/index.php?link=2139
  6. Hey CG.. sounds like you should consider just giving to the prizes!!!!
  7. From what I've read of Wi-Fi there is a difference in Signal strengths between US And UK routers.
  8. Hi Jim, I'm not familiar with CH products or the programming software.
  9. Thanks Dave... my contribution duly forwarded. A possible problem with the donation button is popup blocking.
  10. I have to agree.. it certainly rocks.
  11. Just read a little on your mobo and as Rog has said stick to 800 x 600 with AA and AF or for me you could goto 1024 x 768 with NO AA and No AF. I had a 9800XT on an 845 board running a willamette P4 1.7ghz at 2.15Ghz and it never performed that well.
  12. Here's a link with instructions just in case. DXDIAG Instructions
  13. There can be a world of difference between DF and COOP.
  14. Israeli Pilot flying skills!!!!
  15. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/26051/talking_parrot/
  16. He was on GMTV this morning.. seemed he was shamelessly plugging a certain newspaper.. htey must be picking up the tab!! :D
  17. Happy to help both you and Palava.. anytime.
  18. Just spent a little time with sged on VNC and all is now well.
  19. Have you considered re-downloading the patch another source or the same one.
  20. Yes.
  21. The EXE is a self extracting archive. 408Switch.rar
  22. Hehehe.. and dug his own grave.
  23. Is out!!! Use above thread to grab the file.
  24. BBloke

    What do I need?

    oh yeah.. and sheep are always welcome!!
  25. LMAO.. kin sweet man.. thats the sheeps bollox right there!!! :D
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