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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Oh man.. thats so funny... there is something wrong with the files that were uploaded.
  2. Mmmm.. do you have the website for it.
  3. It sounds as though it could be some kind of screw up at their end.
  4. Just like Glenn to be all HEAD!!
  5. LMAO.. nice one.. at least the phot hides the bikes rigged to the prop by a long chain!!
  6. Jsut read the notepad and thats great info in itself.
  7. "Oh no!.. Its dark and I'm all alone!"
  8. LOL.. women.. I'll never figure em out!!!
  9. 1. go to www.google.com 2. click on "maps" 3. click on "get directions" 4. type "New York" in the first box (the "from" box) 5. type "London" in the second box (the "to" box) (hit get directions) 6. scroll down to step #23
  10. LOL.. Do you ever think the camera had the other half of the brain cell!!!
  11. I was just thinking BAMBI!!!!!!
  12. You can find out the processor speed by right clikcing "My Computer" on your desktop and selecting Properties. It should say it near the bottom. If I were you I would go for neither of those cards.
  13. means I dont have to worry too much about lube!!!
  14. mmmmmmm anything female with a pulse!! BAAAAAAAAA
  15. just downllllll.. err paying for a nice box version.. may try on an old hard drive again!
  16. I did try the game on vista but didnt get anywhere.. although it was a release candidate.
  17. Ermmm its glare that you may get in the cockpit so not specifically just the sight.
  18. Thats the one and if you want to silence those nut job Germans and laid back Russians change: [NoChatter=1] One thing I dont like about the game is lense flares so: [NoLensFlare=1] turns em off!
  19. If no one disapproves I've removed this as a sticky as we are all on v4.08 now.
  20. Hey Carl... cant beat an ending like that
  21. LOL. .sounds like friendly fire comes with age?! :) Are we all destined to be buddy busters!?!?
  22. BBloke


    Wouldn't just Rog.
  23. BBloke


    S~ and welcome.... sweet ride and one of my fav's!!!
  24. No I mean I havent been flying at all..
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