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6. RIP
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Everything posted by Klinger

  1. Pity you cant have one on each side, with externals on, to act as ATC and to vector players to target. Everyone else cockpit only. Padlock on. Limited icons. Don't suppose many would want to ATC though. Just my opinion, I'll play it any way you guys want. PS I'm sure no one round here uses F6 in combat do they?
  2. You did a great job at short notice ~S~ We kept those reds honest and had a lot of fun. Keep the teams the same for the re-match!
  3. LOL. Is that what they mean by " the Merge"? How are you enjoying JO BTW?
  4. I have to admit I normally avoid those old planes like the plague. I've been missing out! Those things are great fun and relatively harmless, at least with me behind the gunsight. Definately makes bombing a more viable option. Time seemed to go quick for me too. Enjoyed it greatly. Thanks for all your hard work DT. Also thanks Badaim for taking blue command. Valiant effort guys. Well done the reds. (cough)
  5. LOL. Possible paternity problems if you puncture your penis with a Paslode. Luckily, neither of us has ever done that. I have nailed my hand with it though, hurts like fek.
  6. A few of us completed JO Int. Pilot School on Saturday. The evening concluded with an excellent scrap between Pooka and Firesalamander (JO ace). He scored highest in the dogfight game, and won the outstanding student award. Good work Pooka. ~S~
  7. I've just read this thread right through, LoL . You all look very nice. Meanwhile Klinger and Animal pretend to work. Animal used to race Bangers (Demolition Derby?) and Hot Rods back in the 80's. Quite successful. 3 times Southern Champion. His Banger team was called " The Animals" and his race number was 38. Klinger.
  8. Nice pics Delta, do they really run up that Merlin on that old trailer? LOL. My plane recognition skills really suck, cos that Spit looks like a seagull. Needs an icon Bikes were my first love too.
  9. Klinger


    Anyone know anything about 6Dof in a future patch or something. I didn't think it could be done with the current engine. I'll be having a week off work if they release it. :wink:
  10. Good day at the office Jensen. Those old boys are always great to talk to. ~S~
  11. Bloody brilliant. Like Roy Lichtenstein. This one reminds me of DTs Nemisis post.
  12. LOL, great story DT. Wish I'd seen it. You wuz cruelly robbed.
  13. Thanks Beebop.
  14. Walter Thompson's memoirs might be worth a look. He was Churchills bodyguard. Have not read it myself, of course, but the History Channel did a profile on him which was very good. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0, ... 57,00.html Dollar and a half well spent, DT.
  15. Painless, you are an imposter! Actually the above post is mine but I was logged in as Painless. Doh! Klutz
  16. sorry Badaim, I didn't make myself clear. Player x is another player on the server. We were flying blue. 6 players in total. I didn't want to name him until I have a logical explaination. p.s I never use wingtip smoke. It is assigned to "T" . Default.
  17. Flying on a server in Hyperlobby, game crashed to desktop. When I checked the IL2 event log, I found, 21.38.15 Player X wingtip smoke on 21.38.16 Player X wingtip smoke off Repeat for 29 pages. In a 20min game. Any thoughts?
  18. Painless and Klinger decide it's too nice a day to fight. "Me and you, we're just the same, right? We don't even know what this war's all about." Big Joe, Kelly's Hero's.
  19. Good fun if you hit something. Like VT I never have enough time to set up properly. Takes ages to get to altitude with a heavy loadout. Great defensive firepower on B25. So I can still shoot stuff after I miss with the bombs. Joe90 made an excellent bombsight training video. I can post it if someone tells me how. (14meg wmv)
  20. LOL, one more eh George? His PR people must love him. If he hadn't given up drink and coke, he'd probably be a good laugh for a night out. :wink:
  21. LOL, wouldn't put it past him.
  22. I'm sorry chaps, he must have some kind of problem.
  23. Thanks chaps, he's just gone out and will post when he gets back. Jim, you can stay stunned a bit longer, if need be
  24. Wing Cdr Moose Fumerton died last Monday, aged 93. He fought in the Battle of Britain and then became Canada's most successful night fighter pilot of the war, winning 2 DFCs. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... db1401.xml Salute.
  25. ~S~ LW/idiot, interesting examples. Tense, 1v1 against a pilot of similar ability. VTs survival againt all odds. Frustrates the hell out of 'em. Arsenal and the boys' teamwork kill. Satisfaction guaranteed. Many permutations of fun in this game.
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