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Everything posted by sged

  1. Nice find.....I was surpised the CW spit has a lower turn rate then a fw version, or am I reading it wrong?... Always thought CW's had a higher tr then full W versions
  2. :k9lmao: Yup, it works
  3. While browsing shockwave website, I came accross these.... Very interesting intell on behaviour and other interesting stuff... Only thing I'm not sure off, is this wings of power a stand alone?... Be sure to check the cockpit on both!! Spitfire Bf-109 other planes I haven't gone through the whole site, but it looks very promising and interesting, and only adds to the knowledge that I'm not rich enough for all these goodies
  4. Could it be serious competition if they add a multiplayer feature with that? I guess so, for the sounds only I guess......might give the game a 2nd life, who knows... Gonna check it out on E-bay just in case
  5. M8, I thuroughly enjoyed both movies!! Especcially the sounds in the one on one, very great, makes a man only dream for the day these soundeffects will be added on our beloved IL2 game
  6. Happy you're back Was starting to fair some evil thing BBQ'ed your rig m8....
  7. Welcome back m8...started to miss out on my usual targetpractice.....
  8. Wooo cool find.... Another Spittie is going to be re-born
  9. 1 word... awesome.... Looks like I'll be defending home soil at some point.... I hope we find corporal Hitler in there somewhere and save the world loads of future virtual trouble
  10. sged

    pop up msg......

    Oww kk, thx for the heads up
  11. sged

    pop up msg......

    I get this pop up msg when I visit the Kuban main page (before I need to hit enter the PW) I'm a bit worried what would happen if I proceed....
  12. Nice find, but those guys aren't doing a good job huh....."messy" comes to mind....I bet that guy on the wing would manage to corner himself in a room painting the floor lol...
  13. Have a good one m8!
  14. I really enjoyed this clip.... Didn't know there was already an older version of BoB.....so the one I'm waiting on in vain is actually a follow up? It would be great if the makers could write a patch with sounds and 6 dof for IL2......the impact of schrapnell and bullets, amazing...the sound of the flak blowing up.....I did miss the humming of the bombers on that fly-by though....
  15. He's competition
  16. Yes m8's, 4 lil teasers of the live-dvd/cd recording....... I still ahven't gotten around solving the prob with the dvd I have, it isn't recognized by the player on pc, nor on my dvd player
  17. sged

    Hello all.

    Happy you found the door to the forum.......
  18. sged


    OMG.......Psycho is back..... Welcome back m8!
  19. I've watch it lke 4 times, sooo funny!....
  20. Welcome Emil! You should've lied about your age as I did!
  21. sged


    Welkom...took u long enough
  22. Ach, to bad we are not able to watch that channel here.... Great to hear there's still interest in that stuff...I had a shop with collectibles couple years back...did good business.... If ever life is kind enough, I might be able to visit those museums you are talking about, and give my eyes a treat....
  23. Sounds to me as "Mobius in Wonderland" I wish I could've gone with you and help you carry your bags....... And yes, we need pics for proof!!
  24. Great pics!! Ergh...I think the B-29 guys had it tough...... A mission could be up to 20 hours non stop flying, tuned down after allies captured ground closer to Japan, but then it was still a 12 or more hour mission..... Above Japan, they encountered a fierce wind (forgot the name in english, kind of a jetstream), so high altitude bombing was kinda a disaster....(pin point bombing), so the plans changed to lower altitude, and use burnbombs....day and nightbombing runs It was known, that Japan industry took place in houses criss cross in towns/cities, ones pieces were assembled, trucks came and picked it up, so it was hard to hit "industry" as Allies saw in Germany, so civilian targets became "military" targets in a way... On their way back, they could count on subs laying at specific locations, so all the crew had to do, when their plane was badly damaged, was flying to such a location, and ditch in the sea.... All this info comes from a 50 min + movie I have on a dvd...very interesting!
  25. sged

    Cool Concept

    Looks great!! I wanna play some
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