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Everything posted by sged

  1. Looks amazing.....this is footage of that WWI flightsim game dogz have been posting screenies off right?
  2. It amazes me the amount of ammo that bird carries lol!
  3. Man, those last ones made me wet my pants lol
  4. Saw this one a few years ago, still hilarious.....also, ever seen the one with the german coast guard?, I'll try to find it and post it for ya'll to enjoy Yup found it!
  5. I've never trusted banks, I fear my feelings of mistrust have been proven... Easy access to money has made communities go to hell, people are getting
  6. Grtz m8! and welcome....
  7. sged

    Happy BD Vila m8

    Happy BD!
  8. Wow amazing find......come to think, what else maybe hiding in the woods? after all, Russia is a big desolate place in some area's...
  9. A comment like that can be misconstrued and around here probably will be. Thx a lot, spilled coffee over my keyboard reading this!
  10. Absolutely Friar! Polo will be ordered soon! Just a quick question, what happens on sunday?
  11. Jabo, fair enough m8, just wonder how you got the impression of not paying the poor bloke back lol
  12. Was already planning on doing that painless
  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT I have a room I have a room!!!! Didn't think about it yesterday, but have given the numbers of my debitcard, and it was ok...gawd, what a fuzz.... Anyways, looking forward to meet you all finally! O, a quick question for you vets who went the other years, should I buy tickets or order tickets for duxford itself? Don't wanna be surprized at the gate ya know... Just that I like to organize all my stuff in advance!
  14. I have a problem, since I don't work with creditcards, the room can't be booked for me..... I said I would pay via banctransferr, she was talking about sending a cheque by mail, which I find too risky to do... Will post update on how the hell I can get out of this mess...really want to come this year
  15. Thx for the heads up! Gonna call em after I write this reply... Did I see a trainstation near the hotel? Will ask you guys details later on travel and such
  16. sged


    Yay! Well, bought the '46 version, installed it, but had probs launching the exe at 1st, but found it how to jumpstart it anyway
  17. sged


    I'll be flying on my new pc for the first time! I'm gonna go out tomorrow and buy IL2 46, to much fuzz to get the old version working with all the patches... And I'll make sure my mike is working properly too
  18. OMG!!!
  19. BG even goes further, as a good host, he even shoots friendly ground targets, just to point out to us where they are, so we can avoid getting points knocked off.
  20. Gratz BG and Quazi, you've earned it!
  21. I just called my local gamedealer, and after some searching, he found March 2009 as new releasedate....the game better be worth the waiting lol but to add, the game wasn't yet in the stores database......and he mentioned on the side, that it could be possible that the game won't be purchased at all, coz of low market intrest.....but he was going to try and get some copies in, as he is a fanatic simmer as well
  22. Thx for sharing this! Although he claims he can't play drums nor piano, he has a very good feel of rythm and music. Another thing I noticed is, that he plays lefthanded on a righthanded drums set up, or to say it otherwise, he plays openhanded on the ride, which is, extremely hard to do, and takes a lot of practice! Myself, after six years of playing drums, am starting to scratch the surface of playing openhanded (mostly in soul pieces) and getting away with it. Very good editing, although near the end the rythm tends to lean towards a drumcomputer, because with the interaction of the arms and the distance and speed needed in mind, would be very hard to do. I really enjoyed this, a shame that I haven't seen this earlier, since it was made in '06. Again, thx for the find Roger!
  23. Thx for sharing this! Although he claims he can't play drums nor piano, he has a very good feel of rythm and music. Another thing I noticed is, that he plays lefthanded on a righthanded drums set up, or to say it otherwise, he plays openhanded on the ride, which is, extremely hard to do, and takes a lot of practice! Myself, after six years of playing drums, am starting to scratch the surface of playing openhanded (mostly in soul pieces) and getting away with it. Very good editing, although near the end the rythm tends to lean towards a drumcomputer, because with the interaction of the arms and the distance and speed needed in mind, would be very hard to do. I really enjoyed this, a shame that I haven't seen this earlier, since it was made in '06. Again, thx for the find Roger!
  24. BG, if you're not carefull and restrain yourself in time, you'll find yourself in china one day!
  25. LMAO.....looks like the model, a pretty dang great one btw, gets airborne without troubles before the real thing, that already has a setback of years.....
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