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Everything posted by sged

  1. Hehe..;the only country in the world you can get away with wearing white socks n shorts is the States..........j/k Yer, great pic's, great weather... Funny to see the "maxim" machine gun...My grandfather used one in the 2nd WW against the Germans...(captured during WWI, but can be mistaken) He used it at the Albertcanal, he said it was mainly pointing at a direction, and letting the enemy walk into the stream of bullets....the only downfall was the need of a pool or something liquid to replace the hot liquid fast....something with a hose and a "pot" or cup attached.... He also used an AA gun of some type, even shot down a plane....can't remember which.. Anyways, he had to serve in a workcamp in Germany after capitulation, he had to help build the concrete highways (first ever build, in Germany) going to berlin.....after 2 years he was "released", married my grandmother.... Once, they had to seek shelter for a bombing raid from the Allied forces on a big train/railroadcomplex nearby.....when they came out the cellar, a "dud" was half burried in the kitchen floor.....thank god for that, or I wouldn't be telling this...
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