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Everything posted by sged

  1. sged

    Group Buy?

  2. Thing is I'm coming by rail, so need to know, coz prolly need the right station to head back to the Tallis/Eurostar....guess that's London...
  3. ROFL
  4. After a while being locked in his room, being betrayed by his online buddies as he claimed, he knew there was no other way to end his misery, then to take a pill and shoot himself in the head at the same time.....
  5. Nive pics! Years ago I was staying with friends in the NE part of the UK, and the wife and me went out to this trainmuseum, we spend like 5 hours in there, so much to see, great memories.
  6. Guys, quick question, can I get a ticket on the day itself at the boot? Have no CC and don't know if my debitcard is any good for paying online... edit; what's the plan for sunday?
  7. sged

    MSN virus

    The cd did the job! It found the file wich gave me troubles, I found it sitting on my desktop, and deleted it, pc clean now and up and running
  8. sged

    MSN virus

    Ok, booted the pc with the cd, and I guess its scanning now, since my screen went on standby... Will see later what pc does later this evening. Will update, and thx for the good info!
  9. Yeah thx! just found out it's not the fix program someone was talking about last week. (someone, forgot who, was asking roger to give me permission to use it, but can't find it) Ran a coop in 4.09mods, wanted to fly a blenheim after i flew the hurri in the same mission, and the game crashed, so I figure the corrupted patch isn't fixed yet.
  10. sged

    MSN virus

    Thx so far! need to run to the store for new disks to burn lol... will try next thing
  11. sged

    MSN virus

    So what does it exactly do roger? Since I can't start up properly...and when I get the desktop that is nomore
  12. Found it in the vault, its called UBI download fix.exe Since i was looking for that program that automattically searches for missing files, I kinda figured that's the one?
  13. YES! Thx a bunch BG
  14. sged

    MSN virus

    Man, this is a virus from hell!! When I start up in safe modus, all goes well untill welcomescreen....have to be very fast to click on admin istrator or my name, when I can, it gives me an error msg, and pc promptly restarts again...can't even see what the error msg says lol... I guess this trojan was build to piss ppl off in a serious way, not even letting us try to repair. I guess this will be the end and I'll have to reinstall everything again dangit!
  15. bin browsing the forum for a couple of hours now, but can't find what I'm looking for... I need to change the settings ingame, so the ingame text in coops doesn't appear...but I forgot which folder I need to change it in
  16. sged

    MSN virus

    Ok, thx for the info, will try it out, and will look for the exact location and name of the virus, hope I can manually remove it, will update!
  17. sged

    MSN virus

    Couple days ago my son clicked on a link that appeared in chatbox while talking to a friend of his, since then my pc was bugged by a trojan... I had several warnings from my AV program, moved the bloody thing to chest, but it keeps appearing when the pc is started up. My guttfeeling tells me that the virus resides in the windows 32 folder "sigh", so AV program can't remove the entire folder since it's in use. This morning, pc starts up, bit slower then usual, then finally goes to desktop, and all I can do is stare at the pic I placed there, but nothing else, no folders, no bar, no start button, no nothing... I've tried to repair the system with the disk, but at the end, when it says "windows starting up, be patient, nothing more happens, that screen was there for about an hour, before I rebooted, to have the same result at the end. Anyone knows what I can do to fix this, or am I looking at a full reinstall of windows? thx
  18. Man that blows.... even the "used as last resort reinstallation of the platform" didn't work?
  19. Anyone followed the link to Oleg's webpage? http://spread-wings.ru/content/view/156/42/ Saw some great pictures there of German warbirds, some unusual ones, some with nice cammo scemes and other rarity's. (click pic below, then click russian text upright corner just above pic to slide to next picture)
  20. I'll be arriving friday, leaving sunday....when, is up to the form of transport I'll be using...thinking of coming by train, so I have more choices for departure, while with a plane I'll be bound to perhaps two flights only...
  21. Wow! Great find...too bad ingame zero's CAN dive with a hellcat, nor run when seeing one
  22. Well done m8! I know it takes a lot of work and determination to keep at it and get this far......enjoy the rush!
  23. From what movie was this? Never saw that one...
  24. U mean thunder right? (saving privat ryan and the sorts)
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