Some week ago, I was talking with Painless about the other game I play on-line... (Navyfield, shooting ships...1st on-line game ever, IL2 = my 2nd)
It was clear to me, that the Navyfield community was more childish, lot's off em can't stand losing, they mount the heaviest possible guns on their ships and go hunt small ships for example, to be shure of victory.....
The thing I like the most about IL2 is, that due to the big challenge of learning to master it, the true winners rise by their possesion off skill, rather then outfitting their machine with impossible guns and stuff, for some easy kills....
Painless said, that the youth today is looking for instant gratification, and the lack of childish behaviour by IL2-players (on big servers, like hyperlobby) could be, that the game is hard to master, and is timeconsuming before you even can get a kill and walk away with it....
Seems those "losers" found a way to spoil it for the more serious players..........