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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Yeah, Im watching them one at at a time as I get time. Very interesting. The Swedish may not be as famous for it, but neutral is their middle name as well. I don't think they've fought anyone since the late 18th century or some outrageous amount of time like that. They've had some pretty good mercenaries though (Carl Gustav's guys). This thing is very interesting.
  2. Man he IS nuts. I ride a 150cc scooter daily, and it's already dangerous enough. Life is cheap to some I guess.
  3. No, Sweden, since they make their own AC and hopefully some hot blonde chick would show up narrating it. I noticed that there was no mention of the blockade and mining of Haiphong harbor, which they were helpless to stop, and there was no mention at all of the Wild Weasels (F-105Gs) and ECM that severely crippled the SAM network. I'm wondering if they even mention the fact that the most effective use of of the SA-2 was in forcing our AC ihnto the AAA environment, which is what scored the vast majority of
  4. This is very good. I watched and recorded the first part, and will get the rest later today.
  5. That's what I was kinda thinking. I'm kinda obsessed with historical accuracy in such things myself. I know tracers sure as hell weren't all rigged to fire at the same time from each gun.
  6. Yup, this is actual film of our comrade Psychwad chasing Zekes through the Grand Canyon and tracking them all the way to California. Note how he improvises a forward operating base in the middle of nowhere to refuel (and does a really impressive short road landing). And make note of Gen. Vinegar Joe Stilwell's initial impression of our esteemed comrade. I can't wait to turn him loose on the 352cd once we get the mod thing done.
  7. I THINK the bullet mod just has to do with the arrangement of tracers in some planes. But I could be wrong.
  8. I put this in GD to ensure that most of you would see this. It's a link to the ubi zoo where I posted a bunch of screens of my use of VpMedia's skin mod in my cmpn, which will be totally optional. This is just so cool I had to post it where most of you would find it. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 5011066276
  9. Cool. You guys come thru once again. We appreciate your help in this deal, and hopefully we can be blasting away at each other again soon.
  10. Greyknight's suggestion is what came to mind first for me. It could just be the extreme wide angle setting of the lens (which is pretty extreme) that causes such distortion. However, the guy flying it must be a gigantor from the planet Grognor or something, as he looks way tall, but that could be part of the distortion effect. I think this is a reduced scale machine for several reasons: The paint scheme is so far out that it doesn't look like any of the 100+ 51s flying today, or at least like a scheme an owner of one of these things would use (maybe, maybe not). It looks like it's in the markings of one of the Enforcer prototypes (no, I didn't name it that, the company proposing to build a modern turbo version named it). I also have never seen a 51 pilot fly one those things without some kinda headgear......whether WW2 cloth helmet or modern flight helmet, usually the latter. Doesn't mean they don't or can't , I just never saw such at an any of the myriad of airshows Ive been to. Really means nothing though, it could easily be a real 51. But I think that guy is a bit large.
  11. Well, after I posted this I put my two brain cells together and looked for keys with a square around anything like on this key....I had to use that blasted magnifying glass. I finally found the FN key. Works great, almost as well as an FN FAL or other weapons those guys make. Now all i gotta do is figure out how to use this num key which i think emulates the numpad....somehow. Im doing some screens of the skin mod's use in my 47 cmpn as an option and the effect it has. Having to use the laptop till we figure which standard of mod we use. btw, it's a compaq presario laptop. Thanks for the responses guys.
  12. Well Ive tried cntrl, shift, alt, everything I can think of with that key (on the insert key in a little microscopic box I need my magnifying glass to see), but I can't do any screen shots. I know it's something simple, but This is a display model that I got pretty cheap, and I have no manual for it. It also has a scroll key that says num lk on it to, and I assume that has something to do with the use of keys as numpad, but since i have no HP manual for it....... Just wondering.
  13. Jabo, as long as you're just HUGGING the tree. Don't go drilling any holes........ (Splinters.......ouch).
  14. Heh heh Bucky, that's priceless.
  15. Well, that was a career topping move. Shows that the DM of the 20mm hits in the sim are pretty accurate.
  16. Ummmm......." and a large dark shadow slipped out of the reeds and sucked down my fly." This alone would get my attention and probably scare the hell outta me. You guys do this for fun? No wonder SouthPark makes fun of Canucs so much. Does kinda remind me of a couple of chix I used to know though. If you had posted this on the ubi-zoo, you would have no doubt gotten this response: DUXMORON WHAT?! You used space based recon assets to catch a poor fish? You bloody immoral, unfair criminal type hoodlum you. May you rot in hell you Nazi scum!
  17. Man, there are a couple of shots on htere that are pretty damn impressive from a photog's perspective. The one of the guy flying off the bike ranks up there pretty high. That guy running despite the poop is a fool. If he were in combat or an emergency situation, I could see it. He's just a dumb running jock who deserves to be laughed at. Alot. Glad I wasn't driving that jeep.
  18. Ok, its in the misn txt file. Sheeesh. Now this issnt doing what they say its suppose to. Well back to the proverbial drawing board.
  19. Im experimeinting wiht vpmedia;s static skin mod, and it seems to work pretty good....except when I go back in to load a misn I made involving such skins it locks up my laptop to the extent that I have to shut it down. I discovered that I need to modify (slightly) a file called "map load ini." that is supposedly attached to the original maps. However, I cannot locate any such thing, evenn in a moded set up. Just wondering if any of youse guys had any idea, since these guys that dream up this neat stuff keep LEAVING DETAILS OUT that would save a ton of time. They mention files, but dont give you a hint where they are in that vast set up. Thanx.
  20. Thanx......Im in the middle of turning it on and off about a miillion times to check out some stuff and do some testing etc.
  21. heh heh
  22. I really need to disable that damn thing as it often wont let you stop it and I have to use task manager to get out and try it again. I have forgotten how to do that and looked all over the place for the ability to....which I distinctly remember seeing at some point. Thanx.....god I wish I could remember shit.
  23. Ok, I took it to circuit city and told them I'd llike to get control back of the laptop I bought from them. They went into the control panel and switched off that security crap that activated itself. Now I can get the stuff to unzip, and even can get the switch files to work now. Sheesh. Some freaking instructions about finding the solution to controlling this shit lies in the control panel would've been nice, rather than that stupid diatribe that no normal human could figure out.
  24. It's teh standa4rd path to 1946, the same one htat it's written into the zip. THis is doing the same thing with the damn winzip i just installed whenever I try to unzip a zip file. The properties say its a read only file, but I can't get it to give me permission to change it, and it changes it back whenever I uncheck that goddamn box and just keeps asking me more damn question boxes that make no sense at all to me, but the RAR files work smoothly. Thisis on a vista labtop keep in mind, and I only just put winzip on it two days ago for this project. I've done nothing to limit my use for using this damn thing toher than requiring a password to access the it.....again, it gave me no choice when I first got the damn computer and it would not work unless I did the password thing. . I KNEW this kinda thing would happen, which is why i didnt do this on my main computer. Now, no matter what I try to unzip, if its a ZIPFILE adn not a RAR, it says "access denied, can't create folder/file "whatever. It can't make the mod folder for some reason in other dnloads. Im tying to get vpmedias skin mod to work with the 93 mod,which I finally got to function, although I can't get itout of Rusn into english because I can't get the english career mod to work....the 93 mod was a RAR, while the other two are ZIPs. Both the zips tell me access denied, it can;t make a folder etc. I was using winzip classic. I used the wizard, and after I got it out of asking for some damn favorite zip file crap, I managed to unzip it into a seperate unzipped file in my documents. There was a mod folder with it in it, and the skin mod was in that folder. However, there is no mod folder in my 46 folder, despite the fact that it is functioning (albeit in rusn). THere is a file called MODACT, but no MOD file. So I made my own and am gonna try it that way with teh skin mod just copied into it, but I kinda doubt it will work since I didn't recite the entire goddamn theory of relativity to it or some such Microsoft inspired crap. I dunno who designs this stuff, but they get way to much money for doing way too damn little. Yeah, Im kinda irritated at this point and would love to go to MS hq with an M-203, because I know it's gotta have something to do with damn Vista.
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