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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Yup. Actual flying in real aircraft (and I don't mean airliners) is downright addictive. Gives a whole new perspective to this sim thing. Wait till you get a ride in a warbird like a B-25 or C-47. Lots more noise.
  2. Heh heh. Stop beating around the bush BG and say what you REALLY think.....you commie you. Yeah, i installed those, and am about to see the results. I'll let you know if I go on a 7 state killing spree or am satisfied. Sheesh. Thanx BG. EDIT: Works like a charm.....officially endorsed by the second unofficial member of the mods commitee. Never been drafted before. Those four files are so simple, unlike the incredibly advanced poor fly zo tried to give me. I quickly let him know it was cool so he would hvae to spend any more time on it. now if we can just get the static new plane mod to work.......
  3. Ok, apparently the unmodified maps (like Manchuria) are still in Rusn cryllic when you load them. Fly Zo gave this fix on the AAA forum that I asked about, but I don't understand what he is saying at all. I made the structure of folders he outlined, but it has no effect, and now I can't find something called a load.ini file. Anyway, I think the language problem is getting in the way big time. He's says there is a file mod I can make to any map to change this to english, but I can't find access to the unmoded maps, and I am totally confused as to what he is talking about here, and how his second post relates to the first one. If you want all the stock maps in english in the mods, you may wanna take a look at this and see if it makes any sense. I'm trying to talk Hebrew here, and I'm not Jewish. thanx. http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/ ... 3798#83798
  4. Somebody already made a bubble canopy merlin spit, from what Ive seen (wip i think), so I expect theree will be both vrsions. There were a bunch of griffon engine spits though, and don't even get me started about the Seafires........like the mk47 with contra rotating props. Ill shut up now.
  5. Yeah, next bank I rob I'm gonna order them. I always watch the free versions.
  6. Finally! There was no city in Germany that wasn't a military target, or Japan for htat matter. I've always argued with revisionists who badm0outhed the allies for bombing that place....none of htem knew enough about history to know who CHurchill and Harris were, as usual. The blame rests with Adolph and the morons who allowed his rise to power, not Harris or Churchill. The very idea of how Harris was villified after the war for helping to win the damn thing still pisses me off. God I hate pacifists and revisionists. Don't count on this gettting much exposure in England or the US.
  7. Man this guy is so........British. I loved this video, just wish I could find the rest of this docu vid. He flies spits and comments on the good and bad, and sits in a 109 G6 for the first time. I never realized the breach of the cannon is in your crotch the whole time. Its very enlightening. http://www.livevideo.com/video/FCC2E6E1 ... hmitt.aspx
  8. According to the Johny Hart comic strip known to the world as BC........to carve a statue of an Elephant, you just get rid of everything that doesn't look like an elephant. I have no idea why I felt compelled to make that analogy here.
  9. Wow, thanks D. That's some nice work that's going on there. Really impressive.
  10. You can also use any other coop (that works) as a pattern. Just erase anything that doesn't look like your brief. Sorta like the way you carve a statue of an elephant.
  11. The F-1 had a 15mm SMALL cannon in the nose. It was quickly replaced in production by the 20mm. It isn't very effective. 40mm, like the German 37mm, is probably more effective if you attack from behind where the armor is weakest. this is usually modeled fairly well in the sim. Works on the Ju-87G at least.
  12. Heh heh. You have a neat job Rattler. At least somebody is teaching REAL history. I bet you are the most PC guy in the school.........
  13. I like the third one myself, though I love them all. Im gonna print out a nice 8x10.5 of the last one. woo hoo. It oughta scare hell outta any possible SEOW opponents.
  14. I posted this thread on the zoo of misn 3 in my cmpn. The skin mod is enabled, but is purely optional. This thing really has taken on new life with the mods, and Im spending ALL my spare time working on finishing this. BtW, if anyone wants to help test a few of these, lemme know. Would be a good chance to learn about the skin mod and to see how F-ing great it is in use as well. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums?a=tpc& ... 6061011676
  15. IVe used my CH F-16 stick and basic pedals for at least 13 yrs, and they have at least 8 yrs of constant use on them. I did use the throttle for many of those yrs, but it won't function with my current set up fo rsome reason (I think it's windows XP), but I intend on getting a USB version of all of htem as soon as I can. The CH products are extremely durable and work very well. Also, many industrial and military users also rely on the CH Stick. I know the USAF uses CH sticks often to control drones like the Predator. Yrs ago, I had to send off my stick to CH to replace the contacts. It cost all of $23.00 and it works fine. They support their products very well.
  16. For some reason I can never see anything that is posted like that on here. I do go to the 1c sight though, so I'll try and find it there.
  17. The Sig or Glock solution is much more effective for defending heads of state. Though in middle school and well into high school I carried an umbrella regardless of the weather. I was somewhat smaller (in stature only mind you) than alot of the knuckle dragger morons that enjoyed hassling unarmed people. I only had to use it once....in the thrusting mode, to foil an attempt to abscond with the moon pie in my lunch box. God what I coulda done with this thing.
  18. Ditto. I just hope I have the time to fly some long range misns on it. That was kinda fun in CFS2. The fuel capacity of the long range US fighters is finally gonna come in handy. We are all grateful for the work that goes into this type of thing....been there, doing that.
  19. Jesus God. I wonder how many arguments in high school (and bars) this will cause. Some very good video mods though.
  20. Well, if you'd been around here, I'd have done your photos for you. I'm such a romantic.........
  21. Wow again. Great shots JP, your photography is very well done. I like the mkV and MkII Spit (I assume it's the RAF's MkII). I didn't know htat Sally B had an E turret.......and that it was in totally incorrect markings for a G model. Must've been for some movie work. I guess it's still in the Memphis belle movie markings after all these yrs? Sheeesh. Looks nice though. I see that the Griffon Spit wiht the non standard contra rotating props from a Shackleton was there. Good to see my SEOW 110 wingman Sid.....Salute to ya Sid. Wish to god I could have been there with you guys. And Friar, photographers are just misunderstood. I've gotten all twisted up in straps and coats etc while trying to manipulate cameras during airshows and such. Nice Olympus. Thanx for posting these for those of us trapped in the colonies.
  22. OMG! love th4ese shots P. The Horsea is neat. God I wish I could go someday....before I get too old to offend the chix. I love the fact that the shots were taken during an overcast......like the on D-day. The light is diffused and it looks great.
  23. YES! great shots guys. Love this kinda stuff. Love the Pegasus bridge and Point du hoc especially. I never saw an 88 on htat type carriage in the first shot. Did ya get any shots of the beach or looking out from these locations? Or a shot of teh bridge from a distance? Good photography btw.
  24. Um, this is gonna sound kinda dumb, but what the hell is a codec?
  25. Ok, i watched them all. The Shrike attacks were interesting, but I noticed htat they failed to mention the Shrikes replacement, the Standard, which was based on teh navy Standard missle system (really imaginative name, huh), which used the body of the Tarter SAM. THose things weren't fooled by turning off the radar. By 72 the Sa-2 (S-75) had become pretty ineffective, hence firing them unguided en masse into B-52 formations. Thier radar guided AA was more effective by then. Interesting how the Soviets described the conditions as pretty horrible and the N. Viets as being pretty devious and deceptive even with them. "where is comrade Tram?" "he's on vacation."...........in a bag. Amazing how the US military ignored SAM and radar threats until well into Vietnam, even after the U-2 shootdown. If they had started working on countermeasures then........... BAck about 78 to 83, the Ga. ANG had was equipped with a squadron of 22 F-105G wild weasels and 2 Fs. I used to watch them shoot landings and take offs, and the 105 was the loudest and most impressive aircraft I've ever seen to this day. I only have a few shots of htem at airshows, as I wasn't into cameras at that time......for some damn fool reason. I saw the last takeoff by G models as they made their delievery flt to Davis monthan. Those things had lots of combat time on them. I think there were only about 50 G models converted and the vast majority of htem survived, despite the dangerous misn of being missle bait.
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