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Everything posted by Enforcer57
Ok, im ttrying to experiment with the mods on my notebook computer which runs il2 just fine. Now i got the 4.09 patch installed, but the switch files and their shortcuts just say access denied (in a nano second in that little black box), and I cnt figure out how to get around that. Ive moved stuff all around and messed with it forever, but I can't get this to function like it does on my regular computer. Any ideas? Typical of my experience with this stuff.
Oops. I think crash replied before I finished posting these shots. Well, for what it's worth, these are some samples of what I was talking about .
You are correct and I couldn't put it any better herr Rattler. Most cameras that cost more than fifty bucks have these functions. They work great on planes, but remember to up the shutter speed to 1/500 if shooting jets, even if they don't appear to be traveling fast. They are. Even the older ones. Also, panning helps keep them from blurring as well. The best way to do this is to face forward with your feet far enough apart to steady yourself, and pivot your upper body as the planes go past. This wya you don't have to reposition your body when shooting, which interrupts the flow. You'd be surprised how far your torso can pivot left and right and how stable it is. The controls setting such are usually pretty easy to get to so that you can change pretty quickly. That shot of the Bearcat is a perfect example of why you want to do this. The camera will then automatically control the aperture (F stop or AV mode), and the sky is usually bright enough for it to close down the iris enough (small aperture but a large F stop number-go figure) to keep everything else in focus. If the auto focus is a bit slow or having trouble focusing, just put that on manual to (usually a switch next to the lens on the front of the camera) and put it to infinity. Works evertyime, since planes are usually well past 50m in front of you. My new 350$ Cannon S5 is a small camera, but has capability that exceeds my larger Pentax IstD SLR. I can't afford a 1500$ 40D, so this will do. This shot of lefty gardners P38J and a 51 was at 1/250, and the blades look more blurred because they are at full throttle on take off at Harlengen in 89. (these are tiny files, I can't find the larger files). These are all 35mm iso 400 slide film taken with my old Cannon T-90. Digital is so superior for this stuff. I used about a 1/2400 shutter speed on this shot, which is as fast as my old Cannon T090 would go. The opposing pass has about a 1000 knt closing speed, and even at this shutter speed, the opposing F-16 is slightly blurred, which gives an effect I actually wanted. At 1/500 the main flight would be clear, but the solo would be totally blurred, hence the high speed. I also used the torso pivot method to catch this, as I put the camera on its max 5 frames per second feed and shot a whole 36 role of slides in just a few seconds as I followed the main flight. I never even saw the solo, and would never have gotten this if I had tried to take just one shot on program mode. still not perfect though. This works with copters as well, as the 1/250 almost froze the rotors even at its slower speed. Sometimes you have to go even slower with those things, if they are traveling really slow and close, you can go as low as 1/125, but 250 is probably the best standard. I stll have dust particles on these things. Damn. Here I did turn it down to
that thing is HUGE. Could give you a retread on your circumcision in about two seconds methinks. Ouch. Damn thing looks like a U-boat submerging. And they kill baby ducks? OMG! Killl em all I say! BTW, is anyone gonna make a joke about it being the only thing in Canada that's POSSIBLY been around longer than BG?
I'm going with BG's doorbell. Actually , I really do know what that is. It's a bunch of computer stuff. Mystery solved.
I hated when that thing crashed, as it was one of my favs at the CAF shows. They lost the B-26 a short time before that, so that took out my two favorite planes they had. I photographed those extensively on my two trips to harlengen in 89 and 90. I hvae some slides taken inside the cockpit, and I climbed into the dorsal gunner position as well. In 89 i got there just in time on fri to see it collapse the left gear. They had it flying the next yr. They had just put her in a desert camo scheme as well. They used to do a deal where It would taxi in front of the crowd, a kubelwagon (vw thing) would pull up, and a really fat guy dressed Like Hermann would get out and wait on Adolph to get off the plane. They would give the sieg hiel and get in the veh and drive away. It was priceless. ZMost of the rest of them were scrapped shortly after the BoB movie. I know there are a few more in museums, and the USAF museum has one of hte spanish ones.
Nice equipment. That lens is a good range for airshow work. The sports setting puts a higher shutter speed than normal to catch action shots, so it worked out pretty well. The prop on the Spit would be just a bit more blurred if you had manually chosen 1/250 in tv mode, but it still looks pretty good. I just got a new Cannon S5, a small but amazingly capable camera, and a 430EX flash that is the most advanced and fastest one Ive ever had. That thing has a 430mm zoom lens built into it that is no more than three inches long when extended. I dunno how they do that.
He was the worse enemy censorship puritans had. Unfortunately, when Patton is shown on broadcast TV, he still says "goshdarn" alot.
Ha. Yeah, those are great. I like the one wiht the kid and the Stinger.
thanx for the pix man. Great job for a first show, despite the obvious difficult lighting. REally sharp shots of both the prop planes and the jets. However, for failing to know wtf a Harvard/T6 is, you must journey to the Canadian warplane heritage museum three weekends in a row to make penance. What kinda camera and What size lens were you using anyway? Just curious.
Nah, I'd add a bit of suspense by shooting it off..............10mm JHPs can do that. One or two shots at the most. Then some guy fishing could snag it and get on TV.
Take the camera anyway. We wanna see...................... Bring the pix....bring the pix..............
I think the ubi zoo is messed up again....or maybe it's just me.
Enforcer57 replied to Enforcer57's topic in Jim's Place
I never saw that................and I did look. Well hell....................... -
Kill them with great enthusiasm. Thanx........
No evidence of foul play or that they had been severed ...................ooookaaay. I'll take thier word on it. I'm know where I'm NOT gonna take my next vacation though. I'd still start packing heat if I was gonna wonder around there. Then they would have a bullet riddled body of some whackjob float up to the beach. God, how have I managed to stay off sixty minutes and CNN all these yrs?
The ink price doesn't surprise me. I got my TGB scooter back last week after 2 mos and no less than 7 guys trying to figure out what was wrong with it. I got a new engine (turns out nothing was wrong with the old one), and am spending $15 a week on gas instead of 55..........and going alot more miles. Sheeesh. Not like this wasn't expected for the past 35 yrs. Btw, tonight was the first friday night in the 8 mos the resturant I work evenings in wasn't a total madhouse and packed. I was amazed how slow it was................until I found out oil set a record increase today. Now it makes sense.
These are some great shots of some vehicles that I didn't even know existed. Note the MkIV with the large 75mm shell, the MkIII, assorted half tracks, and the Jagpanther with hit marks on the hull. There's quite a few vehicles there that are in the sim. Really impressive. Farther down somebody posted a shot of a Pak75 AT gun to. Though there is absolutely no similarity between the sherman and the M-48 like the guy says. I guess he just wasn't too familiar with tanks. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 046466/p/1
Yeah, that was priceless. But damn you GK, I wound up watching and dnloading all six episodes of bikini driving lessons from that place. I like chicks and fast cars. I have my priorities damn it.
Heh heh Painless. The one on the front left if mine, all mine. I wonder if she needs a photographer. Man what I could do with a C-5 as a background. That thing has a fair number of bunks behind the flight deck that could have a whole new use not envisioned by Lockheed while I worked there when they built the B models. Hell, That thing has parts on it that I machined back in the mid 80s... if it's a B model. I'm pretty sure they retired all the As recently.
I have a feeling this is what Rattler does on his days off...
Enforcer57 replied to JensenPark's topic in Jim's Place
That looked like a Chieftain. Must be a rather old video. I love those things. -
the best variation on htat was Adolph raising all kindsa hell about the latest MS flight sim, and its endless bugs. He even said at one point that he was gonna have to go to Oleg Maddox to get a realistic Sim................... I nearly fell outta my chair. This one was good to.
These guys sound like a real hoot....I hope we can rig something with them sometime.
It's times like this I wish My computer could see shots posted within the site. I rode a Slovenian made Tomos moped for about a year, and they are very popular (though not many are seen) and well made. They also make the engines for BMW motorcycles, as it was found they can hold the tolerances better than BMW can. I want to get another one at some point.
Cool. I used to own several weapons from both world wars, some very well used, and they still worked fine. I'd take on any modern handgun with my old P-35 Browning if I had to. I knew an FCPD sgt that carried a Belgian Browning made during the occupation wiht nazi proofs on it. Still worked great. It's absurd the US Army thinks they have to put a burst limiter on