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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Well, I usually have an assortment of aviation related or military stuff that rotates every week or two, but this week it's .............. Two chix at my part time job (Brooke and Leslie). They are both good and virtuous Babtist girls. I sometimes need to inspire certain subjects to use my photo services, but it will no doubt go back to aircraft in a week or so. This was one I used for a few weeks.
  2. Heh heh. A scene right out of the blitz. I haven't seen a British guy that cool since I watched "Gold Finger". Pity they already found the new Bond guy. But I thought all you guys painted yourselves blue and howled at the moon on Christmas. However, you made the politically incorrect mistake of wishing us all "merry Christmas".....which I find highly offensive as I prefer the non religious "happy holidays". I have no choice but to make another call to my law firm of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe. Hey Carlos feel free to celebrate anything you like M8, just have a good time ! PS: can you get me some long range compromising pics of JP ? (I need some leverage ! LOL)
  3. Beebop...why are you being so nice to these Klingon Targs? They can take it or leave it....If I knew how to speak Klingon I would cast a few good insults their way. Heh heh. I couldn't help it....I just saw an old rerun of DS9 and the Klingons figured greatly in it. I like those guys. I wish I could get home a bit earlier so I could fly with you guys again. I also miss flying on sundays and wish I could participate in the current cmpn. Now where is my batleff? :fighting:
  4. That TB3 is hilarious looking. Looks like something the writers of the old "UFO" would come up with.
  5. Let us know what the jist of the book is JP, as the title has got me curious. I didn't realize LD was still around. He is one of the most graphic authors I've ever read.
  6. Holy frozen nibletts batman! Have you come across the frozen remains of any Imperial storm troopers up there, or maybe the ancient wreckage of an imperial walker?
  7. Impressive, especially the wings. What decoration is that? A DSC? I knew a guy who found an old Remington army .44 in a civil war trench system behind his house on his property. When I was a kid at Ft. Rucker, I used to find WW2 vintage shell casings in the ground all the time....I dug alot of holes.
  8. Ok, I can't help it.....(cough). Every time I hear you Canadian guys have a conversation, I think of lumberjacks and Royal Canadian mounties. "BG's a lumber jack and He's OK, he cuts down trees and he works all day......." Oh, and I found this old film of BG performing with said mounties when he was much younger. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9TGk71VZpY&NR=1 Give it a few seconds...... You can thank me later........
  9. So you got lucky and survived another year....big deal. Hopefully you will survive quite a few more comrade.....stay low, shoot first, and ask questions later.
  10. http://www.patricksaviation.com/videos/cirrus/3696/ ITs titled 'commercial' and just got uploaded, so it should be on the first page at Patricksaviation.com. This has a pair of clipped wing Spits flown by Steve Hinton and John Maloney no less, and John Malkovich as a hotel doorman who educates a couple of airline drivers as to what "pilots" are. It's the best commercial I've seen....at 9 min yet. I am still not sure what they are advertising, but I think it's a jewelry store. "But we're pilots...." "NO, you're not".
  11. I'm gonna develope a chick photographer sim......you gotta convince assorted prospects to minimize the amount of clothing as you expose the exposure going on in front of you. Yup, I could make a bunch of cash on this one. I remember when I was a kid drooling over the Marx soldier sets that I kept seeing farm sets. I never could see playing with toy tractors when I could play with my Marx D-day set. I won't be trading in Il-2 for this one any time soon either.
  12. Well duh, I forgot all about that. I'm over 50 now and losing my brain cells, so I claim that as an excuse. I didn't realize I had so much stuff on here. I guess that means I willl have most of what i need once I load the 352cd package. I think I remember now. Im making progress btw.
  13. Ok, I know this is one of the stupidest questions I've ever asked, but where did I get the blasted 409 beta? Im loading up the new computer Quaz made for me, and I can't find any reference other than bare mentions of it here or the ubi site, m4t etc. Ive searched all over the place and I have no idea where I found it at. I know, duh, but this is getting kinda time consuming. This new cmputer is pretty advanced btw, quaz did a great job on it. It's just taking a bit longer to get all mys crap on it than I thought. thnx.
  14. Yeah, i'll spare you how my hrs have been cut in half and photography is not in demand at all. Don't forget the billions that will no doubt go to bail out the auto makers'
  15. Yeah that is. Does it consist of two panels of different design? I was just wondering since there appear to be two different style up there. I am about to install my new USB CH pedals and stick in my new computer quaz built for me, and maybe someday I could swing that.
  16. Oh cool. Good telling of the Mantell story. IT's rarely mentioned that he and his flight had originated from Dobbin AFB here in Ga. I've investigated a couple of incidents myself back when, and it was pretty interesting. You may as well use the Ta as an F-86, as Im using it for an La-16 in my post war scenario (which I have gone back to work on frantically). Somebody is supposed to be developing an F-86, but I wish they would do a whole bunch of Korea stuff. It's not well represented any more.
  17. That one is my life's theme. Priceless.
  18. Well I do know about photography, and I can assure you that these are pretty good. A bit of adjustment in photoshop methinks (but not much) , but that's ok since you gotta have a good shot to make it look a little better in PS. Some really good use of lighting there. Sheeesh.
  19. It's fine. Works quite well now. I uploaded 4 to start with, and will add a few more later. Thanx.
  20. Yeah, we are pretty open minded.....we even allow lawyers and British firemen with gender confusion to hang out here. I guess we are a pretty tolerant bunch. And if BG invites you to Canada, expect to be digging holes in the middle of his vast land holdings....he's about to declare independence and start his own country. This squadron is actually a clever ploy to recruit pilots for his
  21. I reckon so.....on the first page you come to when you go to dangerdogz.com, there are tabs at the top, one says image gallery, so I clicked on that and found a couple of empty folders titled photographs and screens. In the vault, there is a provision for uploading screens, but I don't see one for uploading photographs. There aint crap in either one that I can see. I just thought I could remedy that a bit with some of my better AC shots, SOME of which actually have a chick in them (like my sig I use on the ubi zoo). I keep scanning some of my old stuff that and doing a bit of work to some
  22. Well I've got quite a few of those to, some even involve aircraft, but I dunno how to put any of them there. I've been scanning alot of my old slides and have quite a few pretty good images laying around, reduced a bit in size to make them easier to upload.
  23. Yeah, I been waiting for this one. Who volunteers to be Capt. Mantell? Now who else besides me knows enough about UFO history to tell me who that was?
  24. Ive got some good AC photos and screens I could upload, but what is the procedure for doing so? It oughta have sumthin........
  25. Ditto to all that's been said. Painless, I bet you guys looked sharp as hell out there....I hope somebody somewhere took a shot of that. When I was a dispatcher, the local FD used to do a similar thing at the main HQ station.
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