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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. DZ9


    Just thought id check out the profile for this new guy. looks a bit suspicious now wheres that Boonty-Box guy?
  2. cool! Taran-tastic
  3. Hold on, do you actually have guns on those things? no way! is that no a bit dangerous? cracking scenery mate
  4. Hey Im in work! are you suggesting im drunk in work? Il just shut up...... :roll:
  5. Sounds really cool only got a couple of suggestions. and i bow to your superior FMB skills but: 1). can it not be PF based maps/ planesets 2). early war scenarios might be better, since theres a greater degree of survivability for the bombers, or twins, and it requires team work to bring some of the heavies down. thing is, just as i wrote this i remembered the DF map we played last thursday. it was PF based and it was really cool. so il just shut up :roll: i hate Zeros! also maybe its about time we all got patched up, some tactical bombing df maps with the PE2 and the BF110 would be nice
  6. I know the feeling. Especially when after a 15 minute transit flight Acesteel hammers me on the first pass. :evil:
  7. Agreed its just so totally utterly pointless. Apparently the victim was out celebrating his 18th birthday in the pub across the road. its a really devastating social problem. g i mean 15 and 16?
  8. luckily i was out getting pissed and not in the pub across the road
  9. DZ9


    Aye I had heard about it, just in the context of Marshall Zukov's record. Pretty amazing leadership with many of the tenants of later modern tactical thinking. just illustrates that the Soviet army was not completely purged of command talent by old whiskers might be cool for a matchup i wouldnt fancy being japanese though....
  10. Had to take these using fraps. Was attempting Dave's class new mission in the Spit. As usual these had me ducking in my seat! Not once but twice, speed approx 580kph: I know, terrible approach. hmm thats a bit close really close! woot! i never learn Notice gentlemen the elevator position indicating in both instances full deflection. Not pictured- me screaming like a school girl
  11. KEWL! :cheers:
  12. hey even weirder, every single folder on my computer seems to be read only? is that right?
  13. I think thats it Rog, but when i check the folders properties its set to read only and wont let me change it. I mean i click to unset read only, then ok but when i check it again its still read only? :?
  14. Thanks Dave I checked that conf line and its in. Very strange, still wont let me take screenshots. I deleted all the existing TGA files, would that have an effect? also printscrn works for a standard windows clipboard save- so i can take one at a time and then paste them in.... cant understand, worked fine before
  15. Hi all, having a strange problem as far as i was aware you simply hit Printscrn to take screenshots in sturmo? for some reason though its not working. i know theres a limit of about 15 and stuff but its not even overwriting old screenshots i cant find the control assignment in the menu either anyone help? (got a pretty close shave i want u all to see)
  16. DZ9

    Anyone play LOMAC?

    Thanks all my first impression match what everyones saying. I couldnt even get the plane to fly in a straight line is there a trim command? besides that im finding the buttons a total pain in the arse to setup i mean sometimes it doesnt even do what the hell you ask it to. extremely user-unfriendly. then again it does look class so maybe il stick with it. i really want this for it though:
  17. you'll need to! those hurricanes have got fecking pea shooters took me about 10 tries to even get one down
  18. Just 'bought' LOMAC, 95% downloaded thought i might give it a try with the old x52, any of you guys play it? how does it compare with sturmo? (apart from the obvious, ie. jets and such)
  19. By the way I dont actually use F6 in coops. Honest. :oops: Except when im dying to shoot down Rog and he's outflying me again
  20. no damage effects either, no immersion, pointless really and those stupid big arrows
  21. LOL! Yeah I used to use WW view in the early days, but i found it actually makes you more disorientated in some ways now i just stick to being an F6 ACE :wink:
  22. I wish you'd post that one were i hammered your pilot with 20mm cannon whilst bailing out!! :twisted:
  23. HAHAHA Next time put: work warning, naked birds! i clicked on this at work, :twisted:
  24. did the Irish eventually turn up? poor show if not!
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