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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. Got your computer fixed then mate? Must have taken you ages to get rid of all that pornography..... :twisted: look forward to flying with you again m8
  2. DZ9

    M$ Values films

    I thought it reflected well on MS, that they could poke fun to that extent
  3. DZ9

    M$ Values films

    That weird i was just watching them tres funny!
  4. Brilliant! cant wait as ever, i have no preference, and will fly merc
  5. Haha! I didnt even know that happened, my GF phoned me and i wasnt at the screen! VT you bastige! that'll teach me to sit with my nav lights on- good craic last night
  6. that guy in work gave me his TIR its pretty cool but ifind im getting my head wrapped in all kinds of strange contortions trying to track sometimes im using linear curves since the others dont seem so good it hasnt got vector expansion, but hey its free!
  7. DZ9

    Duxford pics

    cool thanks for posting u sexy mofo! :twisted:
  8. Those skins are class i think this might add a new dimension i'd need to cut down on the in-flight drinking though
  9. Fair enough mate that seems more sensible and i dont need any more encouragement to fly also my girlfriend might finally wise up if i got tir :fart:
  10. Oh yeah, before my crash (think my soundblaster has packed in.... too tired to start fixing it), doubletap mentioned using the tir behind you and reversing that if you want to try that before i rip you off then no worries mate!
  11. BG: thanks for the kind offer- might be best to see if anyone else local to you is interested first shipping might be expensive and a pain, and i feel like i was just fortunate to be bored at work and first in then again, tir would be cool! anyone canucks/ yanks want to jump in? if not then il definately be interested other brits can naff off! :twisted:
  12. Mmmm im not sure had a shot, doesnt seem that different from fs9 then again, i didnt really give that a chance either also it kills my computer, IL2 looks much better
  13. Only when im flying against you mate! :wink:
  14. Not sure if this floats anyones boat, but surely worth a free bash? http://www.microsoft.com/games/flightsimulatorx/
  15. Hey BG I would definately be interested in tir3 $50? that seems a bit low mate
  16. I think it would be ok to turn off externals for df events, i only use them really for taking off and landing and sometimes identifying enemy ground targets, although not on SSS since the briefing was so clear and for looking at my pretty plane. only thing that might disadvantage some players is their lack of familiarity with internal only to be honest, i think track IR users have a definate advantage in closed cockpit, and its maybe not fair to penalise people using externals to give the same level of awareness. as much as an advantage as f6ing is, it still doesnt compensate for decent gunnery and flying.... my two cents
  17. yeah i find the shvak pretty hard to use because its so accurate, i always factor in drop and there is very little out to even 1000m
  18. DZ9

    Thanks Doubletap!

    Hey i didnt realise you were THAT enforcer! i played your vvs campaigns and though they were top notch mate, really one of the best single player campaigns i played! me = :drunken:
  19. Bad aim i thought you did well man. the reds fought hard, and they have some excellent pilots. nevertheless each battle was pretty close considering and to be honest, we nailed the first mission. another 10 minutes we would have dominated stuka rush!
  20. LOL! No wait, i know what sex is! its that feeling you get when you down two hurricanes in a stuka, right? or speaking of feelings, those 8 cans of Kronenbourg i downed last night are really hurting mine. i could barely speak by the end of the night!
  21. Just wanted to say thanks for yet another excellent k9 campaign night attention to detail spot on, and really enjoyable cheers mate, appreciate the work oh yeah, and thanks for putting all the best pilots on blue! :twisted:
  22. Thanks guys- aye, Freelance i like Glenmorange as well however i will check out the rest bushmills distillery is actually just up the road from my parents. my da would be proud, hes always banging on about the superiority of Irish whiskey
  23. For years i hated even the smell of it now at 26 something has just clicked, and i cant stop drinking the stuff. favourities so far are Scapa, Highland Park, and especially Laphroiag. since i know all you lot are a bunch of pissheads masquerading as whiskey aficionados i thought id ask for some other recommendations so far: single malt, and just drink neat with ice
  24. Im game, flying or i could try hosting....
  25. Absolutely fascinating mate. Truely inspiring what a life! total respect to your da and to you mate
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