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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DZ9

  1. Sorry for dropping out unexplained last night, my computer decided to die and it took me a while to get it stable again. i had been on it all day and was swapping soundcards back and forth, so i dont think it liked that looked like a really good turnout too! anyhoo hope you all had fun bastards :violent2:
  2. Hi guys, someone mentioned last night that they hadnt seen this video: http://airwarfare.com/Sims/IL2BOB/video ... reMKI.mpeg pretty cool! still desperate to get an enviroment screenshot edit: right click save as to download
  3. "Delta7 has made a good point is everyone going to install the upgrade, as if they don't they won't be able to connect to whoever is hosting. " Its not so bad since IL2 supports multiple installs. Doesnt write to the registry so you can have mulitple version, ie patched version unpatched version etc. not that i dont doubt everyone on here will have bought 6 copies of each!
  4. Aye thats how ive done it the advantage of that is that you can assign a single joystick button to several different commands. For example ive got the big E button assigned to views but if i use the pinky shift then it becomes brake. dont ask me why, ive got some strange combinations, but im just working through what suits me best. the other night I found out that having my airbrake for the p38 next to the bomb release button but on a pinky shift was needing just a bit too much manual dexterity. havent really bothered with the different modes yet. Mode 1 is for everything, although Mode 2 is gradually becoming a kind of 'shit im in trouble' mode, with fire extinguishers, prop feathers and stuff a good tip i came across for views is assigning one of the POV hats to mouse view to look around, and then making the pinky shift mode slightly less sensitive for mouse so that you can exercise fine control looking around if you click that in although if you have TIR this is a moot point.
  5. Thanks for hosting last night Pooka, i thought it went really well and i enjoyed that a20 raid we did. i think ive got jet lag now!
  6. After last night im loving the X52. However the massive increase in control has left me a little adrift. Now i have dials and switches to cover a whole multitude of things that I never touched before. So far i have prop pitch mapped to a dial, flaps on a slider, elevator trim on a dial, rudder trim to a hat switch. im getting used to the programming software, and i remember one of you mentioned cool stuff like rocket salvos being programmable (Waldo i think) theres also a whole lot of info both at airwarefare and others. so my question is mainly focused on how greater control affects your flying? for example before Roger hammered me in the face with a hispano last night i think i had managed to achieve a far greater level of turn in a 109 by dropping prop pitch to 0, extending full flaps momentarily and then ripping round at full stick deflection. however im not sure if this is merely an illusion. I realise that every plane is different, but any tricks on how you guys take advantage of greater control? also for X52 owners, i currently have elevator trim mapped to one of my dials on the throttle, the only thing is that its really really sensitive- in that just a click gives nearly full elevator trim. can you adjust the sensitivity? also do you guys really employ profiling and mode switching? feel free to tell me to stop being lazy and google it..... :wink:
  7. Thanks Waldo The 'r' version of said fighters are all rocket boosted arent they? I wonder how that will work, will it be integrated like WEP?
  8. That really is cool, i didnt quite believe Rog last night I hope we get the PE-2k- rocket boosted variant- that would be fun. wonder whats in the VVS 46 add-on? LA9? did soviets have some early jets by then? BACK TO THE EASTERN FRONT!
  9. Ok i bought it i just went into the shop and i bloody well bought it! hope to be online tonight, havent had a go yet stuck in work given i already have a saitek stick- do u think i need to reinstall drivers or can just use the installed ones?
  10. DZ9

    Good deal?

    http://www.savastore.com/productinfo/pr ... 4&rstrat=0 69 quid? im thinking this is a good deal. Anyone know of any other cheap uk online retailers? If i order today maybe ill have it for thursday!!
  11. Chuck Norris won a game of Connect 4 in 3 moves
  12. I knew it! kARMA I wish i had a 110, then i could fly me and bird over. dont know if i want her as rear gunner tho
  13. Flight cancelled!!!! finished flying early last night to pack,got up at 4.30am and the bloody flight is cancelled. got one same time tomorrow. deep joy ican understand those people who get filmed on that airline program shouting obscenities at staff :whdat: <- me :shock: <- easyjet staff member
  14. Im going to Dublin on saturday! this might be blasphemey but i hate whiskey i tried to like it and a good friend of mine has attempted to convert me, but to no avail. coincidentally i was talking to a guy from the states at a wedding i attended in Ireland. He loved Smithwicks too. I couldnt believe it, its not exactly well regarded over in ireland. maybe u guys get a better export version or something...
  15. When im not flying, now my computer is running nicely im thoroughly enjoying playing through half-life 2 again (for the fourth time!) came across this- only really funny if you've played half-life though: www.hlcomic.com read from the start its a good laugh
  16. I am definately interested, but unfortunately im in Manchester with work next week. sounds cool. also getting x52 soon!!!!!
  17. Really sorry to hear that Kelly. Our family dog died a couple of months ago. Going to visit the folks for the first time since this weekend. All the best mate.
  18. This is a great idea Kelly Dave i would be well up for this, a lot of times im looking for a bit of flying outside of our usual times. I really enjoy harder difficulty but definately need a wingman. im a bit reticent to go onto warclouds TS though- i would rather be on with friends from our squad.
  19. Thanks for all the replies guys- lots of decent info. Especially BG! LOL It was all hinging on the rudder rocker, if it was a viable alternative then i would go for the X45 but since i simply cannot countenance pedals (dont fit and too much of an expense) then im swinging to the X52. oh yeah and also a lampshade!
  20. Thing is im having difficulty finding a shop online thats even selling an x45, maybe i should go for a x52... its too bright and shiny and expensive- i want i want i knew this would happen :roll: i shouldnt be getting anything im just back from hols!!
  21. Thanks Rog does the rocker allow fine rudder control?
  22. Oh aye and can i hide it from my girlfriend??
  23. Hello, i have to confess flying with you fine gentlemen has given my love of IL2 a second wind. Im increasingly thinking of getting a HOTAS stick. Last night i was having a great time rocketing down in my P38 to help out our A20 torp guys, my 3d force feedback stick was bouncing all over the place, i was clinging on whilst trying to find the key for dive brakes (there were none, another story!) and as i tried to shoot and failed i thought- maybe i would enjoy a nice smooth and new stick, with precise control now im not one to brag- but i think i do ok considering my rubbish setup, then again i have been flying for 2 years. I also think I wont really get any better with the current level of control I have- for one thing I know twist stick rudder is bad for coordinated turns and I know my flying is technically very sloppy. Now the other problem is my budget, I mean I've got a shiny new credit card but I'm not exactly flush. So in terms of purchases this will be the one and only big one I make. With this in mind I'm erring towards an X45 from ebay. Two reasons, cheapest hotas and rudder rocker and i heard its a good stick. My questions to owners of the X45: Is it worth the money? Likely to be cool second hand? Precisely how does the rudder rocker work? My thinking with this is that an X52 would be exactly as bad, since its also twist rudder and theres no way Im getting pedals. Does the rudder rocker remove the gimp handed use that plagues twist sticks? Is it a viable alternative? Ive got no desk space with all the other crap Ive got, is it feasible to mount it on a bit of wood and stick on my lap? Anyone made the transition from force feedback to non-force feedback? I really like FF, but to be honest its a detriment when your on the edge of a stall and your stick starts hammering back and forth. Is it a good idea to get it generally? I mean TIR is too expensive, but ive heard its revolutionary. I am pretty used to the hat view Last point- considering the 3d force feedback has but one slider- throttle. Surely im missing out on a whole bunch of cool stuff, like trim on a slider, macro commands, and the general hotas coolness? Funny an informal coop group is making me more serious! but its mainly for greater enjoyment and control ok, back to work for me! thanks (i hope someone actually owns an x45!!!)
  24. I used to get exactly the same thing- u would hear movements of the mouse that you were making on screen! freaked me out i dont seem to get it now i switched to a plug in soundcard found this: http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/sep04/a ... 0904-3.htm
  25. yeah it was really really cool. Handling was interesting, basically the faster you go the easier it is to steer! didnt cope with massive bolders too well, as the guy in front of me found out when his front wheel flew off....
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