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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. Is that sunburn BG? you truely are a scot!
  2. that sounds cool, good for guys like me who cant fly a lot. im always intrigued whats going through peoples minds as they fly. i also think your rich scottish brogue will sound sexy
  3. Multi-talented you lot thanks again- i will contact Jake the dodgy salesman on monday, trouble is i cant find my warranty docs, but i think there is statutory provision anway i mean technically they are the seller and bound by Sale of Goods act?
  4. because scarey car salesmen freak me out
  5. Oh aye and the squeak is intermitant, i dont think its everytime i brake
  6. Thanks guys- thing is Dave i only bought it last week from Reg vardy. MOT for a year and apparently a months technical warranty they might have seen me coming, but i would suppose they would have checked it out reasonably?
  7. Hello guys this is a bit of a funny question, but i know bugger all about cars and wondered if i should be concerned about the following things happening bear in mind this is a 1999 fORD fOCUS 1.6, so im not expecting whisper quiet but: 1). The engine is very unsteady at idle. Putting on things like the window heater nearly stalls it, the lights dim. in fact sometimes it can seem to settle and keeps wavering around the idle point with the lights dimming and brightening that said its not stalled once 2). Squeaky brakes? They stop ok, but they squeak, bad? 3). Wirring noise coming from the back of the car, axle? i know this is a bit OT, but its been on my mind im like a fecking bird!
  8. I think thats a lovely idea, and getting virtually pissed is about my lot at the minute.... (dont ask)
  9. Welcome mate! my wee cousin wants to go teach english in japan, but i mean i cant understand his rough belfast accent so i dont think japanese folk will....
  10. HAHA! great pics! although that collision detection looked a bit ropey.
  11. Yeah it was class, i couldnt believe you could get pictures of naked ladies for free!! oops i mean, yeah total lessons, crap for years, especially attempting to rip around in a p51 at 230kph and wondering why i kept crashing
  12. LOL!
  13. Happy birthday mate! :drunken_smilie: :drunken_smilie: :drunken_smilie: :drunken_smilie: :drunken_smilie:
  14. Just reading about your 352 exploits, surprised to hear you didnt win guys, better luck next time. I hope to be flying again soon, just seems to be at the minute that so much crap is getting in the way, work, uni, etc. anyhoo, with any luck i might get flying on thursday
  15. Really sorry for disappearing last night, my pc took a nose dive, as was evident to my teammates who had to listen to my banshee noises coming from TS. I have a question though- last night i had really bad lag and usually Glenns missions run as smooth as silk for me. at one point i had my graphics set to very low but i was still getting massive pauses and really bad framerates i did notice that a couple of guys occassionally had really astromonical pings, and when i checked pings during bad lags
  16. totally cool! how the hell do you get them back from crashes on sheer cliffs? the dog?
  17. TROLL!
  18. Ive just blown £80 in little over 2hours. im currently sitting in Starbucks in Leeds- having just spent £80 losing at online poker bollocks
  19. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Custratin ... 6833342001 this was posted in UBI, 280 for a network card is a lot, but apparently it can do magical things
  20. I fear i may not be able to make tonight either. gutted
  21. Hahaha i may want to steal that, our vending machine has a mind of its own too. like when it decides if you deserve change or not, or perhaps decides on a more appropriate choice of beverage
  22. Cool thanks Dave
  23. Those are my pics! tried to upload and display but couldnt so just used the existing image submit skins by hammered, pics by me
  24. I didnt read that right and thought you meant pictures of birds i mean thats nice but i have it on good authority theres other sites for that stuff :wink:
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