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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. DZ9

    il2 cracked

    it certainly is interesting on a side note, it might be quite cool if it was to go the whole hog of user modifications, unflyables flyable with hacked pits etc luckily too us guys play closed coops wouldnt fancy a hl df server now
  2. Hello last night before joining you guys i was trying to help my mate Poker sort out his game and stick i used to setup wee dogfight maps for us and he would simply directly connect now however i have a bt wireless hub and he cant seem to connect through direct ip how can i get get round this? as ever thanks!
  3. DZ9

    Good week for me!

    Yes... that and what exactly does the pubic enquiry office do? :mrgreen: hahaha yeah that office is slightly different now excuse me while i go fly a FW against a massive stream of freedom loving b17s :twisted: thanks all!
  4. Hi online pals Great week for me, i am now chief assitant monkey to the organ grinder man! funnily enough i went over for an impromptue interview with the big boss, apparently she was pre-warned by a colleague that with my perma jeans and t shirt and stubble arent an indication of my crapness have to start wearing a suit now. :evil:
  5. DZ9

    Humour Time

    AHAHAH especially the second one!
  6. cool, ive never seen that before. its some angle of attack!
  7. Yeah i like the little radio buttons and such that you can have with access it also seems easier to make look nice. I am on a shared network, so im think of putting the db in the shared folder so everyone can access it, then when they complete it ive got a macro to email me the results its probably an unnecessarily complicated way to do it though can you import forms from access into excel? ta rog
  8. Hello Im kind of stuck at something in work. I am trying to create a staff survey that i cant email out to folk, get them to complete and then hit a button to come back to my email ive been using access which is really good for completing the buttons and such, but seems to be a real pain to email how can i get it in a format that i can easily email out to folk on an internal email? or should i just stick to excel?
  9. I voted any plane, so long as not horrendously mismatched, but to be fair i prefer planes with nice new cockpits and decent graphics thats why i dont like the P11 its got a cockpit that makes me retch im so shallow! but it kills the immersion for me ie. tempest cockpit v p11?
  10. ARF!
  11. Thanks Waldo! hey are those pics in perspective? i never realised how dinky the AR234 was! and the anteater is a fecking giant! cool edit: wierd putting in the word d i n k y give that funny smiley
  12. Haha, that was me in the 262! I was cursing the miss and your great timing as i rocketed by, then i saw you spin and crash the 262 was great thanks to Dave for allocating me to fly it, i had a blast. really tough to get kills, i knew i needed to stay rapid and it makes for a 700kph 45 degree deflection shot which are damn hard. i seem to recall ripping off your tail section in another pass later on though :twisted: thanks for your write up m8
  13. I'd like to third that i had a brilliant time, nice to play with so many folks from over the pond. the teamwork was excellent so thanks Glen for your hard work and thanks canines for being the best damn squad :twisted:
  14. Good, the guy was a ***t barely literate, ex-petty thief, self proclaimed whatever, beheader of civilians, supposed hardened guerilla fighter who had trouble understanding a heavy machine gun. dont think it will make a difference, but it would be nice if it did
  15. I think its unlikely im gonna make it, which is a real shame because it looks totally class. doubletap has really put a lot of work into it. if i can i would prefer axis, but im easy..... :wink: Im sorry i cant be more definate, but theres a small chance i can fly and i dont want to let anyone down
  16. Actually the sun was splitting the trees! lovely place, stopped for a cup of tea in a wee cafe on the way up north
  17. .... erm, i think that came out wrong....
  18. I reckon this will be class. especially if its based on the il2 engine since it was primarily a low level simulator for ground attack id be interested to see if they can increase the movement and detail of ground objects, the cities and ground objects in il2 are pretty dated looking, the ground objects posted above look great
  19. Cool! thanks, the shine on that P51 is pretty. i look forward to vids i really need to move, if that was in the uk it would definately be raining no wonder i drink
  20. Hello Need some advice, I have a large 92mb dj mix that I want to send to a few mates. Whats the best/cheapest way to do this? Is it a good idea to get my own web page and then upload? it would be cool just to provide a link for them and they get a reasonably fast speed on the download
  21. This was cool, another extremely close pass and lost an engine. wing then stayed on till i was clear of the bombers and their guns. also, watch as A.I. tries a taran! and succeeds!
  22. i must get one
  23. I will definately get it as soon as I know i can run it ive got a glass of water at the ready to accidently spill over my old pc and get the insurance thing is i really want to see an enviroment shot, the background in the ones posted didnt look too hot i think nov 2006 is a little optimistic too
  24. DZ9


    Oh i dont know, the power might go to my head. whats that saying? 'Power corrupts and absolute power is pretty damn cool' or something :diabloanifire:
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