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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. This is me on the way to work. Damn traffic. this isnt some kind of kiddy car thing by the way- im 6 foot 5! so managed to almost kneecap myself on the dashboard!
  2. LOL! :oops: well ok then, i wanna change my request! can we play it next time im on? im still gona make a mission or two, or convert some existing ones ive made. Next projects working title: GET HITLER!
  3. Hello all Following Frior's really helpful page with all the FMB objects I thought id make some missions for us. Ive been using the FMB for a while now so im no virgin, but couldnt be bothered with trying to locate the best objects i was thinking a COOP based on Operation Jerico would be pretty cool. Not too sure if someone has beat me to it though (probably) this was the mosquito and typhoon raid on a German prison with resistance fighters in it (maybe tempests instead?) one idea i had was to place some friendly objects within the compound, this could maybe simulate the need not to damage specific parts of the target also i dont think the allies encountered any axis fighters but i could maybe put some on an intercept to make it a bit more interesting opinions or links to existing missions?
  4. Brilliant! Thanks mate, this is really useful, that damn FMB is so obtuse
  5. :thin:
  6. Steam truely is a pile of crap actually browsing on the forums there seems to be some problem with Zone Alarm, one of the inspired offical solutions is 'remove zone alarm' genius!!
  7. DZ9


    Yeah i installed the foam DLL's and noticed a big difference, the game is really running well for me, but i still cant shake the small stutters. if people are experiencing it across many different types of systems and configs then it must be some game optimisation problem.. its not really a big deal, in fact compared to any other game IL2 stability and scalability is pretty remarkable
  8. DZ9


    I take it some stuttering now and again is basically unavoidable? i mean i just reinstalled my system and its running better than ever, but i still get small microstutters in fact if i look at the ground as i fly over it there are small but rythmic stutters almost constantly is this normal?
  9. Hi all www.steampowered.com heard this first person shooter described as the forgotten battles of online shooters. meant to be highly realistic and a slower more deadly pace of game. not that any of us need any more addictions, but i think im getting a nervous twitch from trying to keep up with ritalin doped kids on Battlefield 2.
  10. DZ9


    Out of interest- how what level of FPS is considered good? I know this is a bit subjective, but is there not a point over which the fps is basically irrelevant? not tried proper benching but i was getting about 40 odd fps on crimea just arsing about
  11. If you keep making them il keep playing them mate managed to get about 6 minutes with one plane downed- didnt think that was up to scratch and i was right! enjoyed it though, i like offline its my first love
  12. Francis Fukiyama?
  13. DZ9


    How do u guys bench? is it that start-fps show command or something? doh!
  14. DZ9


    LOL! I dont know if i should be admitting this, but on holiday i drunk a lot of pina coladas, the guiness was crap....
  15. Totally agree, love the way Lomac looks and jets are pretty cool, but the combat to me is pretty dull. i know some guys get a lot of kicks out of radar combat and such but to me its boring and complicated as hell. i will probably get it just to zoom around in though. not a patch on older theatres. absolute dream? korean war sim, jets with guns combat- that would be cool also i think theres a falklands war sim in the pipe line- that would be a bit more imprecise
  16. Yup love heli sims cannae wait for the Lomac addon black shark- looks a good bit better than the one above: http://www.lockon.ru/img/black_shark/middle/cockpit.jpg http://www.lockon.ru/img/black_shark/middle/side-2.jpg
  17. DZ9


    Hi all, back from hols- expect some pictures soon have to say the website is looking brilliant, really really cool well done guys!
  18. You of the fags rog? (need to be careful using this term on a mainly Northern American forum!) Me too, been on/off for a few months. then i get pissed and have a big cigar and its back to square one currently im on the get totally hammered and then smoke so many im sick for days method
  19. I had a shot in a KI43 last night- that things like a kite!!
  20. Tought decision last night, watch Hitler's bunker through the Keyhole special or play online. Downfall was excellent though, if a little askew sometimes. I almost found myself feeling sympathy or respect for some of the protagonists, obviously not any of the main guys, but some generals like Weilding and Mohnke were presented in a heroic light this is obviously a perculiar response, research on Mohnke reveals he was perhaps responsible for killing POWs the Doctor guy tested on prisoners leading to many deaths. what is really amazing is that guys like Mohnke and Otto Gunsche were still alive and living in Germany until a few years ago. Sorry, way off topic there!!! back to original point- anyone flying tonight? going on holiday tomorrow and performing taxi service for drunk girlfriend so i thought id fit in some flying (not implying my girlfriend is a drunk!)
  21. Il be there! but only till 9pm gmt, channel 4 is showing 'Downfall'
  22. My rig! 2 1/2 years old with some upgrades along the way. gona try to keep this one working until bob. (bob's a guy that owes me money) Leadtek K7 motherboard (agp) amd 2800xp barton 1 gig crap ram sounblaster card/soundstorm for audio apps. geforce 6600gt 128meg 120gig samsung drive 40 gig maxtor drive SAITEK CYBORG FORCE lots and lots of dust PYE Black and White Telly, with auto tuner! Thing is im gonna do a complete reinstall, first in 2 1/2 years. i can run perfect but the performance is still a bit flaky this rig should be capable of running perfect with no AA or AF right?
  23. Is it ok if i wait until payday? dont want to plead poverty, but why do u think im doing a second degree at 26! :oops:
  24. Hi all Personally i have a real love for the early soviet campaigns, I16's, those biplanes (name escapes me), early laggs and migs think i am still nostalgic for those early days on the steppes playing forgotten battles for the first time also, on a different tact- any tempest mission! do any of you guys fly axis, or is that a dirty word? :twisted:
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