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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Happy birthday to the both of you! So, tell us - what'd you get? Were you good this year (no wait, that's Christmas...)
  2. It's a great waster of time. I have a 1/2 upgraded T-34-85.
  3. Rattler


    Crap! Where's it stuck then? And where's it headed, straight to Winnipeg? Too bad, mate. That sucks!
  4. Very sorry to hear about that, Bucky. You certainly have my prayers for your friend's family.
  5. Salute, mate! It's been great having you so far!
  6. I sat in it too! Awesome plane! My youngest, Jeremiah, got to unfold the wings by hand. He had a blast!
  7. Sorry to hear that, mate. He looked to be a fine dog.
  8. I'm still here! I'm still here! Dog since 2007. Way to go, Dogz!
  9. Ditto, from the middle-of-nowhere Saskatchewan! Hard to find a wireless connection 'round here! I've convinced the missus that we'll try to get over to Duxford when the boys are out of school, so that'll be in approximately 5 years. You all need to stick around until then! Cheers, Jim! You've created, and maintained, a monster!
  10. Canada announced today that we're buying 65 of them as well. I'm not sure about the types, but I'm certain they'll be non-VTOL.
  11. Ouch! Tell her that I feel really bad for her! I hope she feels better soon! Don't you have a bee suit available? Or was she not even doing anything with the bees at the time? Sounds painful!
  12. pick one, and I'll post a larger version.
  13. And here are some more from Thursday, 1 July
  14. not our COOPs, but a nice pic nonetheless (there's actually 6 P-51's, all in delta formation... There were a few with more of you in them...I'll post them when I find where the stupid things went!
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