Ah, Christmas rolls around, and it's time to get cracking on those models!
Here's the instrument panel (Eduard), part of the cockpit set I picked up to go with this kit. 16 separate parts!
Happy birthday, Jim! Sorry that I"m late too. I have a hard time getting new content when I check the forum at school, and it screws up until the next time I check it!
I hope that you had a great day!
Angus' head made a "looking over the shoulder" motion as you posted this, SkyPup......
"What? Something in the universe is for free? I'd better check the forums...."
Ah, tolerance. That double-edged sword of the liberal (small 'L', mind you.)
You must be tolerant, even of those who are intolerant, otherwise you will be branded as intolerant.
Yes, I play WoT Roger. An addictive tank game? But of course!
I'm also headed to the T-44 route, as Jeff is. Mediums rule! I like the 100mm for its penetration at range.
I'm online as DV_Currie_VC (major in my unit who received the VC in the Falaise Pocket battle.)