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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Nice to see John again. I remember him from Grumpy's visit to Edmonton. Good time! Nice plane to see up again - a 'pure' Spit!
  2. Picked up this one from Chapters.... Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940-45 Review here Excellent so far.....
  3. It arrived in the mail today from Jolly Old! Yippee! I'll take some pics and show you what it looks like ootb. Small box campared to many others, such as my Trumpeter P-47 and Tamiya Spit VIII - 1/2 the size! Ok, back to work unpacking for she who must be obeyed......
  4. 20 seconds...............
  5. I received this email from Helen (Weasel) this morning: Just thought that I'd pass it on to all of you.
  6. As you can see, the original fitment is a whip aerial. As Sid mentioned, use the "stretched sprue" method. I keep several bits of them in my model kit, several nice long straight segments I cut up and store for just such occasions. Use them for stirring sticks as well. Get a good idea of the thickness that you'll like, and practice a few times until you get it right. Not too much heat is required: once the sprue begins to melt when being held horizontal, you can gently pull the two ends apart. You'll get a varying thickness in the stretch, and this is usually what you want anyway for a whip aerial. Don't make it too thick, but not too thin either! It'll break or warp easily!
  7. So, if you work on it as fast as it goes in real life, you'll be done in 2 years or so? Looks really good so far, mate! I love the look of separate stages of model work....you could post this on Large Scale Planes .com (LSP forums)
  8. That's a nice kit Pete. I've never seen 1/32 wings cast as one before - the Typhoon is chunky so those are impressive castings. It's a resin kit, Sid. Cast from one piece moldings. This will be my introduction into resin & vacu-form kits.
  9. Looks good so far, Nick! C - wing? BTW - I just saw a link online for a 1/32 Typhoon in resin from a company in the UK for £70 and £10 shipping - I'm thinking about it........ Ooooo, oooooo - I just posed it to the missus, and she ok-ed it! Go figure! Ordering now....... Check it out here.....
  10. I'd love to get into a bit of Arma ][ with you guys, but I'm not sure what mods to load - I have Combined Ops/Arrowhead, but haven't updated my mods for some time....
  11. Crap! I have to pay more attention to the forums! You should'a called me, bud! I could have biked up there in an hour! Nice pics!
  12. I am certainly going to be very careful, all - thanks for the concern! @BG - meh, you can let life get to you, or you can go on with what you've been given. I've always wanted a street bike, and this one fell into my lap, so I went for it. I am a very careful rider, defensive driving course, etc. I'm never complacent. @Snacko - 34,700 km on the dial.
  13. Picked it up today. 1988 Honda CBR 600F1, 34,000 kms, runs fantastically! Came with 2 full face helmets, and a really nice riding jacket. $2000.
  14. Rattler

    1/32 Me 109

    Nice, mate! I have a 1/32 K-4 Hartmann just itching to get built.....
  15. My parents both remember that winter/spring very well. My dad was near Leuwaarden, and so they did not have as much problems with the 'moffen' as in the south, but the 'hunger' winter was bad for all of Holland. My mom remembers being so afraid of the bombers, as the Germans had bombed the rail line across the street from her house in 1940, and hit a house just 5 down the street from hers, killing the whole family, and several neighbors. Then, in 1944, the Allies came and hit the same train line a few times as well, adding to her fear. The resistance wa provided with notice that the "Manna" drops were coming, but no one entirely believed such things until they came, so when she saw bombers (she was only 5), all she knew was that someone was going to die. What a surprise when the food bundles came out instead! The planes flew low, so as to aid precision, and avoid damaging things, and many of the crew waved like crazy to the Nederlanders, who were extatic! My father remembers it this way as well, but he was not as worried about the planes, as the Germans didn't do much damage in the north in 1940. There was much excitement at the time that the Germans were finally through. When the Canadians came to liberate, there was such a outpouring of thanks, that neither the Canadians or the Dutch have ever forgotten. Ottawa just celebrated their annual Tulip festival, where the Dutch government annually thanks the Canadian city for hosting the royal family when the queen was about to give birth to her child, and they always sent 1000's of tulip bulbs over in gratitude. As a former Canadian solder, and a son of Dutch immigrants, there is no way that I can go to Holland and pay for a round of drinks. When we went in 1996 on a battlefield tour, we were all in uniform with our South Alberta Regiment veterans, and there was no way that we were going to pay for hotels or dinners. The dutch wouldn't hear of it! We also were able to meet with Prince Bernard, who hosted us all for a regimental dinner one night - what a down to earth man! He was a most excellent host. Anyway, thanks for reminding me of this, FT - it brings up many good emotions, as well as rememberance of those who perished in that horrible winter.
  16. Ohhhhh, a massage......nice! Have a great birthday, buddy!
  17. Ah the Royals...............just as I suspected all along....... Deborah................
  18. It's a lot of fun, isn't it Roger? I've been playing with some friends again, with the Brit mod. I haven't seen that 1944 mod. PropNut. Is it any good? What do they do for maps?
  19. This is one of the reasons why I'm waiting to purchase it....
  20. I'm going to tell your students that you said a bad word......... Sorry about the loss of a HD though; that sucks.
  21. Silent Hunter III is awesome. Get the Gray Wolves mod. It's great.
  22. Great to hear that you're alright, mate. Keep your head down, and lots of concrete between you and the locals!
  23. My vid card is at the bottom. Looks like I need to troll eBay for a 2xx or cheap 4xx card...... I need some more RAM too.
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