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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Some engine detail completed.....more to go, and this is only 1 of them!! I really like how the painting on the supercharger turned out. The instructions called for chrome silver, but all the pictures that I looked at showed an almost black colour. I looked around some more, and many museum engines have the silver/aluminum colour, so I painted it aluminum, then washed a coat of gunmetal over that several times until it was nice and dark.
  2. Dogs make some of the best and most loyal friends you will ever have.
  3. Excellent work so far, mate! I like what you did with the flare gun, there. Is it glued down in the seat? I'll have to think about where to put mine.....the instructions have it mounted in the canopy, ready to fire.....
  4. Rattler


    Damn, why can't Hollywood make decent historical action movies? They have degenerated to pander to 16-25 year old boys! (no offense to the 16-25 year old boys around here - of course, in our august company, you've become much more mature, like Mick!)
  5. One of the engines put together with the supercharger unit. Details coming.....
  6. Tail assembly
  7. Not a ramble at all, Jack. It shows how even a fully trained pilot can mistake one fight situation as another, not understanding that their instruments are "lying" to them. They fail to see the whole picture, and trust their basic instincts. Good post!
  8. Hmmmmm, 1/24 scale dead flies... Seeing as I'm doing this as a night intruder 418 City of Edmonton plane, perhaps some tree boughs and small birds too......they did lots of low level ops at night. Hard to see where you're going at all times! Read "Terror In The Starboard Seat" for a 1st hand "alligator's" account. Good read. It's about a 418 Sqn crew.
  9. Hah! I see what you did there...... Here's the wing dry-fitted (but it won't be coming off again - it's pretty much locked in place.) Really nice job in the moldings - there is almost no gap at all on either side, top or bottom of the wing. Shouldn't require any puttying except along the front where the rads are. I put the 1/48 Spitfire in again for scale.
  10. I was at it again today. I even crashed once in my Mossie in coops while working on it, and FT was gracious enough to still let me back in! Front of radiator before dry-brushing. Dry-brushed radiator. This plane is getting very large!
  11. Patching to a new, clean 4.10 version.
  12. Dry fitted the cockpit. Excellent fit so far - no issues at all! 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk. XVI pictured with the Mossie, for scale comparison.... By the way - it looks much better without the harsh flash lighting - it doesn't look that clean in real life.
  13. Interior quadrant controls and wiring harness...
  14. I haven't gotten to mucking it up yet. Needs a bit of rubbing and dry brushing. I'll get another pic of it out later.
  15. Instrument panel...
  16. Here's the rudder pedal assembly. Pedals are movable.
  17. "Is your mum single?"
  18. The 25-cent piece is 24mm diameter. The khaki canisters are for Very flares, but if they're anything like the smoke grenade canisters in our tanks, they fit beer cans!
  19. Happy New Year, all!! Hope your 2012 will be better than my 2011!! Have a great holiday!
  20. Picked me up the Airfix 1/24 scale Mossie on sale, and the missus got an additional $10 off the in-store price! I'll post some picks. Got the cockpit underway. I'm going to do it up as Russ Bannock's T-HZ, Hairless Joe. [edit] - if I can find some decals for it.....seem to be out of production.
  21. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=373504&postcount=539 Soon.............
  22. Rattler


    Damn. I'll have a Scotch in your memory, old friend. You were a true gentleman.
  23. Hi Glenn! Good to see you around, buddy!
  24. Nice place up there, Bucky. Living in a camp, or hotel?
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