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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Seriously fun to watch! Kind of like snow cross (that was so fun to watch at the Olympics!)
  2. perfume + tequila = slut Classic!
  3. Wow! I'm 1 year old!
  4. Warbirds of Prey stats says that I've logged about 17.5 hours in March so far, so just a bit more than one hour per night. I tend to fly after everyone's gone to bed. I'm more of a night owl than my wife. That's not including Saturday afternoons or Sunday afternoons with the Dogz. I don't do any JO stuff because of the time required, and the timings suck for my time zone. I can't fly until after 2200 MT.
  5. Thought you all might like a little read. I have this magazine, and found this article whilst trolling about the internet tonight. Good story. The Gannet is one of those horrible planes that is so ugly as to be beautiful, in its own way. I need to find a good model of this one - such interesting lines... http://www.aeroclocks.com/images/pics_a ... T%2007.pdf
  6. Very cool, 'cuda! Nice looking horse you have there! Makes me miss my cavalry days...
  7. Most likely not, but if someone's going after them, then they would probably go after everything. I think that a lot of people are miffed at Ubisoft these days.
  8. It would not surprise me if it turned out to be: 1. A server overload of the entire Ubi system, due to SH5 and AC2 requiring continuous broadband access. 2. A deliberate denial of service attack designed to bring the whole system down, in response to #1. I won't purchase any product that requires me to have an internet connection 100% of the time. Just silly, that is.
  9. Another for Gec, too!
  10. Make it two....
  11. Seriously, the best thing is to ensure that you have dedicated fighter escort to sweep the area and keep the buggers occupied while you attack. The last time that I remember escorting the IL2's into a target was 2 weeks ago on a UbiZoo Saturday mission, on the Stalingrad map where we had Yak 1b's against Me 109G2's, and we cleared everyone out except Squawk, who was forced to go up high or get ganged up on by 2 of us who were after him. The IL2's had a fairly clear run of things as I remember. The Dogz are just getting too good at attacking IL2's, Jim. They need a live pilot escort.
  12. My son and I watched that episode several times now. Very interesting, especially in the vehemence of those who claimed to have done it! I was surprised that Ken Tout was so reluctant to agree at first that it wasn't his Yeomanry unit, and could not possibly have been the Canadians on the other side of the field. Thanks for the link, Kelly.
  13. Some day, sir, some day. It's on me and the missus' to-do list.
  14. Holy crap, JP, I nearly spit my coffee out when I read your post this morning! You need to let everyone know that you're spoofing, or they'll think I'm some kind of UbiZoo IL2 nerd who can't go through life without referencing everything to the game! I feel like a D&D nerd... I had a great time, mate, and it was excellent to see you and share some time together. as close as we live to each other, we should do it more often, and with others from the Dogz in the area. BTW - what we really talked about.... [Pete] So Kelly, have you infiltrated the upper echelons of Alberta Conservatism yet? [Kelly] Of course! Well, actually, I'm also infiltrating the Wildrose Party as well, you know; these Alberta Conservatives are still a little too left-wing for me. I need something a little more akin to Sunflower's mindset. Later, walking down Jasper to the hotel... [Kelly] You get the one on the right; I'll take the one on the left..... [Pete] You know, you can go to jail for ones like those 2! I had a great time, mate! Thanks so much for your hospitality!
  15. Are you ensuring that your pre-IP and post-IP altitudes are the same? If your egress altitude is lower, it may make them glide-bomb as they go through the target along their waypoints.
  16. Rattler

    Road Trip

    VERY cool, mate! I wish that I could go and see some of those sights some day. I'd also like to check out the Bar Lev line and 1973 Yom Kippur War battle sights; well the 1967 stuff too. I've always been very interested in the Middle East wars between Israel and the Arabs.
  17. Rattler

    Perfect timing

    I caught a pic of a shell leaving a tank gun once...I'll have to look and see if I still have it somewhere....
  18. Rattler

    Dear Santa

    And only 7000
  19. Very nice, MadTrooper! Brings a tear to me eye.....
  20. Nope. Doofus bosses are indestructible. The only way to get rid of them is hope they get promoted. They have invulnerability on and unlimited stupidity ammo on.
  21. I seem to be getting that more and more as I get older....not as sharp anymore in my dotage....
  22. Sorry. Obscure reference to the movie Avatar... fail......on my part.....
  23. Bravo! Seeing that some of the exchanges were triggered by cell phone (clever!) it would be hard to make contiguous. I say give them the benefit of the doubt. Now, what was the assignment?
  24. They got to your control pod and unplugged it? Now, your avatar's dead!
  25. Pawn 'em........
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