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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Rattler


    No problem, M8. Hope to shoot you down......ahem, I mean fly with you, (yeah, that's it) soon!
  2. My problem is forgetting the strengths/weaknesses of my machine, and ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time (e.g.: turn fight in a FW 190; diving a A6M2 to rip the wings off, etc.)
  3. I've NEVER been on my own side....SHUT UP, SHUT UP! FOUL DEVIL THAT YOU ARE, SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON YOU!...whoops: been dipping into Psycho's meds...
  4. Welcome, M8! Looking forward to flying with you. Don't worry about Psycho. We only let him out of his cage once in awhile.
  5. I know it's not much, but for an hour's flying, I felt really good! Not much cannon on an A6M2, so I had to land every time after a kill.
  6. Flew on Z vs W last night. First time in quite awhile, because Warclouds was absolutely QUIET! 6 guys. Went over to Z vs W, and there was about 24 guys. Went onto their comms, and joined in the fray. Got me some kitty! This is absolutely the best night I've EVER had on a full real server: probably won't happen ever again! As you can see, I'm suffering withdrawl: I miss flying with you guys...maybe Saturday...
  7. I don't mind flying offline at all. I'll help out!
  8. Hardball's aircraft viewer also has a tab with this information. It's current up to 4.06. http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ils&id=325
  9. Ok, either your boy is huge, or you're pretty short...fit in the cockpit well. That reminds me of an army buddy of mine. He is so short, he needed to sit on a cushion to drive the tank! Couldn't see over the drivers' episcopes when hatches up, and couldn't see through the episcopes when hatches were closed!
  10. Just got a new stick and pedals on ebay for $125. New X-45 and CH-pro pedals. Can't wait!
  11. That's what the service pistol is for. Those of us who know how to use it get a full magasine, those who don't know how to use it get 1 round in the magasine...
  12. Hi Glenn. I don't think that it's normal, but I'm not an experten anyway. Does your computer have voice recognition software running? That might keep your mic open.
  13. As twisted as yours?! Foul! I say, foul! Mr. BG sir, my escutcheon has been sullied; attacked; besmirched! Frior, give Mr. Painless some penance, please! There is no way that I'm as twisted as he is!
  14. Here's a pic I took out my school's window today, Wednesday. ...and we don't even get a lot of snow during the whole year around here! Still, I love it!
  15. Rattler

    True story

  16. Rattler

    True story

  17. Rattler

    True story

    Ok. Here's the deal... After work, I gathered up my boys, and went to my wife's work to pick her up. We proceeded to the local grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner, and then went to the local liquor store for some wine (for her) and beer (for me: she hates beer.) I picked up a half dozen Guiness Extra Stout, which the locals tend to store in the refrigerator to cool (I don't know why: Guiness loses its flavour when cool! At least I think so...) Anyway, I made the purchase and we all piled into our mini-van for the short trip home. Before starting off, I took one of the bottles of Guiness and put it into my coat to "thaw." That's when the inevitable happened... It's slippery on the roads in town, as we've recently had some more snow. It was also just after work, so the roads were busy. The traffic ahead of me stopped for a left turning vehicle, and I had to stop quickly, but had no trouble. I instinctively looked in the mirror if someone was going to hit me, and sure enough...BANG! Sigh! Anger! Ok, no big deal, no one was hurt. Get out, tell him I'm pulling over to the side, and exchange information... Guess what falls out onto the street!! I'm glad it was dark and no one else saw it, but I'm down 1 beer already, and I need to begin thawing another!! As one of our beloved Hell Hounds says..."Aw Crap!"
  18. I don't think that it's a great thing to "get" two inches...sounds like a prison thing...
  19. Geez: I can drive to Banff in 3 hours. It must be quite a flight to Norway!
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