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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Rattler

    B25 Model

    Looks nice, Pappy! Well done! [now, to move this on to the modeller's section.....]
  2. Happy birthday, old bean!
  3. Woah! That post needs a response to keep balance in the universe..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhsrnpzKR5s&feature=fvst
  4. That's it, I blame the Dogz! Better warn our lawyers of an impending lawsuit.....ANGUS!!!!
  5. And all except SkyPup is 41 years old today??
  6. Try this for sound....
  7. Ah, Christmas rolls around, and it's time to get cracking on those models! Here's the instrument panel (Eduard), part of the cockpit set I picked up to go with this kit. 16 separate parts!
  8. See if this helps, Colin. From Ultrapack forum
  9. Have a great day, Squawk!
  10. Thanks, guys. Kelly, I got this for my electrtic guitar:
  11. All of his spare cash goes into stained glass and digging equipment!
  12. Happy birthday, Jim! Sorry that I"m late too. I have a hard time getting new content when I check the forum at school, and it screws up until the next time I check it! I hope that you had a great day!
  13. Angus' head made a "looking over the shoulder" motion as you posted this, SkyPup...... "What? Something in the universe is for free? I'd better check the forums...."
  14. Fantastic turnout a the Remebrance Day ceremony this morning. Standing room only. We will not forget them....

  15. Same here, el Jefe! Same here!
  16. Damn. Damn damn damn. You're in my prayers, Jim.
  17. Ah, tolerance. That double-edged sword of the liberal (small 'L', mind you.) You must be tolerant, even of those who are intolerant, otherwise you will be branded as intolerant.
  18. Happy birthday, cap'n! Have a great day!
  19. Fully pimped out elite Panther. Crew at 100%; 1/2 way through 1st specialization. No extra equipment yet, though... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. Yes, I play WoT Roger. An addictive tank game? But of course! I'm also headed to the T-44 route, as Jeff is. Mediums rule! I like the 100mm for its penetration at range. I'm online as DV_Currie_VC (major in my unit who received the VC in the Falaise Pocket battle.)
  21. T-34-85 with 100mm gun. Woo hoo!
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