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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I cant host the missions unless I have already played them on his server though.
  2. Hi Arthur, could you upload the DF maps to the vault please?
  3. I seem to have bought a 109-G6 and a Ju-52. I dont know how that happened.
  4. I get the feeling that the bomber boys arnt that happy about targets "popping in" very late when at high altitude.
  5. Price for basic/Premium BoM $17/28 BoS $17/28 BoK $38/60 and collector planes https://il2sturmovik.com/store/collector-planes/
  6. nice Might be worth having a look at this program. You get a 10 day free trial https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/desktop/full-feature-list/
  7. Hi, just need to enable mods when you launch the game, Arthur will be best for BoS advice
  8. We do have a lights on no shoot rule when flying BoS but the AI dont know it yet so you would be left to practice if you want to.
  9. I think I might well weaken on the Tomcat. Just flying around and landing in VR will be well worth the cash.
  10. @ Beebop At the moment we are doing GB dogfights with all aircraft available. ps we flew one of your old coops last month
  11. HSFX is flown Sundays and Great Battles on Tuesdays evening time UK. Welcome back
  12. More Stuff Hello everybody, Today's Dev Blog will be a short one - we have a lot of work to do at the moment. Right now we're finishing five aircraft: Bf 109 K-4 and P-47D-28 for Bodenplatte, Pfalz D.IIIa and Sopwith Camel for Flying Circus and Po-2VS Collectors Plane. Two maps, Prokhorovka map (the map of the Southern part of the Kursk salient, to be correct) for Tank Crew and Western Europe map for Bodenplatte are also shaping up nicely. The engineer department continues their work on near-sonic aerodynamics required for late WWII aircraft. The interface is also being worked on - Marschal interface for multiplayer and tank (platoon) commander for Tank Crew. Speaking of more imminent changes, we plan to improve the in-game statistics and 'who gets the kill' logic in the next update. Today we can show you the in-game shots of Fw-190 D-9 Collector Plane:
  13. Looks good, does this mean I will have to buy this as well https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grumman-Tomcat-1970-2006-Owners-Workshop/dp/1785211005/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539096746&sr=8-1&keywords=haynes+f14
  14. Thanks FT All we need now is for people to read the Forums
  15. By an overwhelming majority, last night it was decided the in future Great Battles will be fought on a Tuesday night as 1946 attendance is a bit disappointing. 1946 missions will still be flown on Sundays
  16. Open office will do all he wants.
  17. Welcome Redtail I am sure Fen will be very pleased to have another DCS flyer and he will certainly give a lot of helpful hints on all matters DCS
  18. some stuff plus this today Surely, we have worked on the other parts of the sim as well. One month ago we could show you the 3D model of Me 262 without textures and a couple of weeks ago you saw the cockpit of P-47D that was untextured too, but today we present them to you in the game engine - the artists haven't finished the texturing and materials yet, but they are almost done. What can we say - while P-47D-28 cockpit is a bit overwhelming with all the details, instruments, controls and various information plates, the jet aviation pioneer Me 262 looks strikingly beautiful in the air. Here they are:
  19. Stewart is a Canadian from Canadia
  20. I also like Milton Jones, Stewart Francis and Tim Vine.
  21. One possibility would be to do dogfight maps with a full set of planes until BoBP drops. This might help people get used to how things work take offs landings shootings etc.
  22. Not many (thats an understatement. Right Sid?) or is it overstatement? Well one of varp guys turned up and then left as Sid and I were BoXing.
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