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6. RIP
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Klinger

  1. LOL. What do you call a blonde with half a brain?...... ......Gifted.
  2. ~S~ BG Every wall in that house is structural, including all the internal walls. 1 layer of close boarding horizontal, 1 layer of cardboard?, then a layer of TG&V, which continues through the floors. It makes any alterations.....intersting. I have seen similar studding with diagonal braceing in some pre-1900 British houses. Painless, I knew you'd find that pic funny.
  3. Now the trauma of it is over, heres a few snaps of what I was doing in Oslo this summer. Didn't get a chance to ski this year, but we got some in the previous year. The ski centre is 15mins from where I stay.
  4. The work around solution I came up with was to set the the Creative panel on 4.1 and set the game on stereo. I get sound from the headset and the speakers, and the mic works. Good enough. My final findings with the CPU are that the E6300 is indeed a great clocker. Memory voltage -
  5. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    Well I now have it playing IL2 acceptably with good frame rates. I was interested to see how it would perform with a modern game. Installed Call of Duty 4 and wow, the intro movie alone just blew me away! Great game, but too intense for this old geezer. Graphics wise, cod 4 is very impressive with the 3870.
  6. LOL. Thats progress m8. The monitor looks nice!
  7. Sorry Carl, I was in an odd mood last nite and was trying to be funny. I meant this kind of thing: Didn't mean to kill your thread JP. As you were chaps.
  8. Jeez Dave, thats almost uncanny m8. Theres a certain coolness about the Hurri, no?
  9. Jeez, you Canadians are sex mad. I suppose its the climate. Me and my ex girlfriend used to do it every month, whether we wanted to or not. Until I asked myself, whats in it for me? Thats the reality of being British, no matter what other crap you hear. We certainly never discuss it in emails.
  10. ~S~ Delta, I got a bit confused when I had to edit the conf ini. So I'm not trying to upstage you here. Pook, just copy and paste this into your conf ini:
  11. ~S~ Pooka, don't forget to ensure your graphics card will render 1680x1050 (native res of a 22" lcd). My ATI X1900XT gave me average 40 fps in IL2 on excellent settings. The equivilant NVidia card should be at least as good. If you can get a good deal on a Samsung 226BW just buy it and love it! Good luck m8.
  12. ~S~ JP, thats a lovely hotel in a beautiful spot you have there.
  13. LOL. Do you have a problem with hookers at your place or what? If so, I
  14. The Asus looks a great deal. I Know the Samsung 226 is a superb monitor as it is the imprroved version of mine. They work so much better using DVI (not analogue) output, so long as your graphics are capable of rendering it at native resolution. CG, I am suprised at the poor review you quoted. The LG was my second choice, and the specs are similar to the Samsung.
  15. Hey BB, if you are thinking of going for an lcd I would say go for it. I dont have your tech knowlege, but my eyes tell me that my Samsung 225 syncmaster looks awesome in IL2. Much better than my old Veiwsonic 19" CRT. No ghosting, blurring or dead pixels, and the colours are bright and vibrant. The specs of the latest 22" widescreens are better than mine. And they are even cheaper. I had similar concerns to you before I took the plunge. A simple conf ini edit means I lost nothing top to bottom, and gained a bit on either side. (in IL2) Its quite hard to find a decent lcd now that isn't widescreen. I also find it better for other games, films and documents. (2xA4, side by side.)
  16. I see Alienware are releasing a funky new curved monitor later in the year. It runs at 2500x900 (ish) Pretty cool huh?
  17. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    Quazi's thread on Ubi has a lot of good information: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 069016/p/1 ~S~ m8.
  18. The water in Half Life looks excellent with your setup BB. Thanks for your efforts. I'm tempted to go back to the X1900. Check this 'mist' with the 3870, lol.
  19. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    Its now running pretty good in game but I'm still getting anomalies like this 'mist in the hills' Is there a simple way of getting rid of that?
  20. Oh dear Painless, you have dug yourself into a deep hole.... ....I suppose all that uphill gardening was good practice!
  21. Thats encouraging to hear..... there must be a better way, lol. How can they make a good product, and let it down with such crap software? I'll be interested in your findings if you do install. Cheers.
  22. Ha, just built my first ever mission! Its a training coop featuring the Stuka and is available here :
  23. One day I will get my head around this FMB. Bookmarked. Thanks Friar.
  24. Klinger

    ATI 3870

    Cheers m8, it was fun playing around with the bios and I learned a lot about speeds voltages temperatures etc. I just have to retain that knowlege while I'm hammering nails in at work.
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