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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. This place has more rules than the Jehova Witnesses cult covens. Sheeesh.
  2. Ok, i know, I was AWOL, and I'm sure the outcome of the battle was severely affected. Well, tough. I took my scooter 60 miles to Jasper in the N.Ga. mtns, where it was over 15 degrees cooler (enough to make me wear a fleece jacket the whole time i was riding around there). I had to have some maintenance done by the guy I bought it from....he has a neat shop there called Mountain Moped with all sorts of cool bikes etc. Anyhoot, I got there at 11 am, and it took longer than I thought, and the sky was a totally clear blue. It was cool, the mountains were all over the place, and I just decided I would explore this place. So here's some of what I did. This was out in the middle of nowhere......even more than where I live. This was some of the territory I was exploring. I don't know the elevation, but it was in the mid 60s. There were motorcycles all over the place. There are alot of uptown folks living here with some nice places. You wouldnt believe the view some of these places have overlooking mountains. This was a horse farm I came upon. The roads up the mtns were sometimes pretty steep, and my auto three speed stayed in low much of the time. You can see the rd at times winding thru the hills. This is Pointy top Mtn......really. Reminds me of a former girlfriend's boobs. I never could find the road to it....but I will. Eventually. This is the reason I was hesitant to photograph some of the neat houses and log homes that are up there.......some really nice ones, but some folks have odd things in their yards..... Well, not really. Nobody came out yelling "hey pa, somebudy's takin pitcher o the home place!" Actually, alot of people have alot of money up there. Anyway, that old M-59 APC (forerunner of the M-113) was in front of the smallest American Legion bldg Ive ever seen in Fairmount Ga....a really tiny town at the base of the mtns. I couldnt believe the PVC pipe for the gun in that old M-48 cupola mount for a .50. Anyway, this is a shot of Bryan's shop....my bike is on the nifty service ramp in the background he just bought. Cool. The bike in the foreground is a cadillac of scooters. A 150CC water cooled engine. My 150 air cooled will go 60. THis thing will go over 70. It's a dealer sample that has 70 miles on it, and normally sells for 3300. He's selling it for 1700. God I wish I had the money right now.
  3. Now we know where that supposed meteor crate in Peru came from.
  4. What does "pith" mean? Sometimes you guys really confuse me..............
  5. Bloody hell !! I didn't mean to hijack this thread, honest. But since you guys are kinda.............curious......here is the one I'm thinking of.......back in the late 80s, early 90s. For the entertainment of my wing mates. A different view....for artistic purposes only. Now these two were a couple of yrs later, but they came in a close second....especially the one standing. Sheesh. I know what you're thinking, and it wasn't quite THAT wild.
  6. HHmmphf. He'll probably bury it in one of those damn holes in his back 40....or 400. No, I on second thought, he'll have one of his indentured servants do it. He is a big believer in delegation of authority.
  7. Now yer just showin off Beebop. Hey, I want a P-82 Twin Mustang.....I gotta go open the FMB......I have a great idea.
  8. Another defender of the world has left us. Ditto to all above, and thanx to another guy who was there when the world needed them.
  9. I have former girlfriend who would disagree with that last one. She wasn't very romantic, but was alot of fun.
  10. I LOVE the cult one. Those things should be posted all over my town.....hell, all over this state.
  11. Enforcer57


    Yeah, they got it almost as bad as we do living in Ga.
  12. Jesus H God.......is that one of those prehistoric.....oh, whatchamacallems......starts with a P. Well I forget. Impressive fish. Biggest I ever got was a 10 in catfish.
  13. ok, i just saw this and i gotta go back to work. Ill try and come up with an idea how you can do that. SHouldnt be too difficult. The most time consuming thing is testing the misns and checking out how it should be changed each time. Its a trial and error thingy. Lemme look in the fmb for what i need to figure out. you will almost certainly need live bodies flying those things to do it that way, but will just need to try it in the fmb. What AC type and how many overall and in each flight? Three I assume, but a bit more detail would help.
  14. and lest anyone is rolling thier eyes and thinking what a bunch of pacifist rednecks we are, when we finish racing a bit we go to war and fly coops. Can't let a night go by without killing sumbody. If you havent raced in this kinda environment yet, you really ought to try. After you fly the course a few times, it's not that hard.....not that easy either, but its not that hard to do. You dont even need Track ir. After you wipe out (or run outta gas - fuel management matters), you can watch the race from any planes externals. I highly recommend it.
  15. Yeah, it looked great last ngiht. that racing thing was great. alot more fun than i thought it would be. Some real neck and neck drama, and quazi doing his NASCAR narrating and flying the pace plane was great.
  16. Ill say, ............is that Finnish? Some Ive never seen. I think the one of the panzers and infantry charging the soviet infantry may be staged, but its still pretty good. Some great stuff.
  17. ? Must be a European thing.........
  18. It's sure different from most of the other USAAF skins for the A20. Nice hack.
  19. A closer look at one of the TBMs. A shot of the other TBM. An interesting color scheme, in case anybody wants to do it. A profile view of an Avenger. Almost looks like an air to air shot. A slightly better banking view, but not as good as the ones I did of this plane 17 yrs ago. The last one. a shot of the 51 as it came in before the show around 1900 hrs. Good lighting. Nighty night.
  20. She appears to be making a soft landing....... "If you can catch me, you can have me." I'm convinced she's wearing some of that boob tape they wear in pagents to keep those dresses on that are so low cut they can save trapped coal miners. BTW, this is a very useful pose for hot chicks to learn. She is apparently making her landing approach. Never fails....when I get a great shot of a babe, some rug rat or a fat broad get in the way. A disadvantage of shooting across 150 meters with a zoom lens. And here she lands, and is greeted by a fellow member of the hot babes in shorts commitee. That's all the babe pix for this presentation. Here are a few more AC shots I didn't post on the Zoo. A slightly different study of the SBD. A scene that could be from a flight deck in the late 40s. Folding wings always freaks out the crowd. The Spad folding its wings. This is always so cool. A closer look at the nose of the A-1.
  21. OK, as proimised on the ubi thread, here are the rest of the GOOD ones of assorted hooters chix being exhibitionists to draw attention to their little booth of goodies at our local airshow (surely to be picketed next yr by local puritan fanatics) as well as enjoy all the attention they would draw anyway. I'll include the ones I posted at the zoo to make one stop photo shopping that much easier.....because I just wanna help out all my squadron buds. I'm just that kinda guy. Here's the brunette babe with the bounteous boobage, doing the one thing all women live primarily for. And here is the notorious profile shot that Painless found so inspiring. (sigh) Of course, the rotation around to give everyone a good view is purely unintentional. She really is just talking on the phone. (bet it's a dial
  22. Yup, you read correctly. Here is a link to the ubi zoo where I posted some pix from this Sunday's airshow I attended here. More warbirds than I've ever seen anywhere in Ga. Includes some shots of appropriately dressed Hooter's chix, including one on a parachute simulator thingy. I'll post many more of that series on here tomorow. Gotta go to beddy poo now. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 9471078095
  23. I still think you should create a small mini cmpn or maybe some single misns for this idea. Maybe 7 to 10. Should only be about 2 mos work, 6 hrs a day.
  24. I sent you a PM on the zoo, but I dont think youve been back there since. Reference a skinning deal. By the time I get done with that project I can just credit it to the Dogz and the Hounds.
  25. YEAH...... I love the Marriage one......the only way I would even consider it.......unless it was Jessica Simpson. And the sexism one with ugly bitches.....I love it. So true, so relevant. heh heh. And Greenstreaks, I tried to mash that damn bug on my screen.
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